Healing Spell for Infants
This is a spell for infants that can be used for anyone, but it is highly recommended for children less than 1 year old. This is one that my teacher gave to me to work on, in which she edited and adapted and used for her own needs.
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Being in water usually helps during the healing process, but make sure to keep the baby out of the water. You can work as a median to channel the energy between yourself and the child.
- It also requires the help of spiritual beings. So if you don't know how to call them, then I have a spell for that too.
Casting Instructions for 'Healing Spell for Infants'
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After a little while, invite your spirit guides and guardian angels to join you. Also invite the spirit guides and guardian angels of your child.
Now speak to them. Express to them your warmest thanks for sending this beautiful baby to you. Talk about your gratitude and your love, in your own words, for as long as you like. Any emotions that come up, just let them flow right through you.
Try to stay in a loving and peaceful state of mind, without focusing on the fear for your babys health. You want to remain in high, loving, positive energy in order to create the best results.
Then ask the spirits to protect your baby. Ask them to help keep him/her healthy and strong. Spend some time visualising him/her getting older, being healthy and happy. Imagine him/her at 2, at 5, at 10. See it happening, know that future is coming.
Now place all your attention on your heart chakra. This is the center of your being and the seat of healing love, which can be directed anywhere with your intention. Breathe into your heart space and feel a warm glowing light, growing stronger for every breath. Focus on love and joy, which will increase it even further.
Now you have a strong healing light inside you, to direct to your baby. Visualise around him/her a white shield of light, like a protective cocoon. Now imagine filling this cocoon with your healing light. Keep breathing to increase the energy, while looking at your baby and in your minds eye seeing this cocooon growing bright and strong.
You are now creating a protective shield around your child. You can also focus on his/her physical and energetic bodies, and send your healing light to facilitate a healthy, unhindered flow of energy and, as a result, perfect physical health.
When you feel intuitively done, close up the cocoon around your child, and thank the spirits for their help and send them on their way. Afterwards, you can spend a few minutes every day strengthening this shield, by sending some heart energy to your baby and visualise the cocoon being strong and healing.
As an aside, I would strongly recommend that you and your baby spend as much time as possible in nature if you live in a city then take her to the park to be near trees and grass, go for a daytrip to a forest, play with your baby in a lake or river, feeling the healthy flow of natural waters being close to nature is incredibly healing and very important especially for young children.
Finally, if you can find a piece of amethyst, place it somewhere near your babys bed (obviously out of his/her reach). Amethyst is a master healing crystal which works to transmute negative energies into positive ones.
Kryshna.I.A2 has been a member of the site for 9 years, since Sep 29, 2015
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I would not do this in/near a large body of water. A bowl of water at best. This seems like a lovely protection ritual calling on your spirit guides/deities to watch over your child. Alter it slightly and I can see it working for anyone like the author said.
This worked wonders on my beautiful daughter! I have been really worried about her, but after casting this spell I feel much better and it seems she does as well. Bless you!
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