This chant was created for a querent who wanted to help his friend find a job.
Casting Instructions for 'Job Chant'
You will need the following items for this spell:
Job attracting incense of choice
White/green candle
You will need the following items for this spell:
Job attracting incense of choice
White/green candle
Light the incense and candle if you chose to have them. Say out loud the following chant:
"God and Goddess, Guardians of the Elements
Fire, Water, Earth and Air, I call upon you,
With your great powers and energies,
Lend a hand, for greatful Ill be.
Help _______ find a job that will pay
And get enough to spare and live each day.
By the power of three, so mote it be."
No, if your mom's allergic, find something else. Spells don't need incense, they can help, but it's isn't make or break. Just be sure to charge the candle with a little extra energy and it should be fine. You could also anoint the candle with job oil and/or roll it in herbs with job energy [if you don't have job oil, olive oil works. As for job herbs, I would use cinnamon, bay and nutmeg]
What do you do with the candles and incense when you're done with the spell? Do you let them burn out or do you extinguish them? Or does it not matter?
Do spells usually work better when you use incense and candles? I’m a baby witch just starting to practice.
And, what is the difference between a money spell and a wealth spell? I seem to be very confident in casting word and voice spells. Do these kind of spells ( voice and word spells) actually work, because I’ve heard that voice and word spells although they do have limited power, are most witches go to spells. They are very powerful when they are cast right.
Ingredients aid a spells magick. If you're allergic to incense smoke and you choose not to use it, it doesn't mean the spell won't work, but it would be a small piece of energy was removed [if there's a spell with 7 ingredients and you go with zero and just read the chant off a piece of paper once, the spell will fail because it was designed to have those items and you didn't put forth any energy of your own. It's best to substitute similar items in a spell] Wealth and money spells are the same thing [you could argue wealth is an umbrella term and money falls under that since ''wealth'' is just a lot of something and money is specifically what you want a lot of] Chants [word spells] do work, but they rely more on your own ability to tap into and focus magick over a spell with items. The items all have a similar energy and would work together to focus the energy. You still need to charge and focus energy for any spell, but simply chanting requires more from you. Since it's also lower energy, it can be considered low magick [not a huge fan of that term, but it just means less energy, smaller results] so if you want a small something, a chant would work [think of it like throwing a pebble in a pond versus a boulder. both will cause waves, but one will make more] Spells are just ritualized prayers in a way, so chants could fall under spells since you are calling on magick [sometimes deities or spirits but not always] to bring the desired change to you. Magick on the physical is a neutral energy found in nature that brings desired change. Since it's ruled by nature, it doesn't contradict nature on the physical [on other planes like the astral, magick has different rules so more things are possible, but those planes have their own rules you need to follow] so no matter how much power you put into a fake spell, nothing will happen. Spellcasting is a skill. Some might be born talented [like art talent] but it doesn't mean you can't cast spells, and it doesn't mean the person who has a natural gift is better than you. Everyone learns and grows at their own pace. So, study and practice and you'll figure out how magick works and what spells are best for you.
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