This is a spell that will protect a room and whoever is inside that room. It does tend to fade over time, but the amount of time it takes before it needs to be redone varies from caster to caster.
Casting Instructions for 'Purify and Protect a Room'
You will need the following items for this spell:
4 or more sea shells
5 candles to represent the 5 elements
Lemon rind (optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:
4 or more sea shells
5 candles to represent the 5 elements
Lemon rind (optional)
This spell will protect a room and whoever is in that room from evil spirits, general evil, and weak curses/hexes. It will not protect you from demons, strong hexes, etc. This spell is very general and will not protect you from everything.
1. Put one sea shell in each of the four corners of the room, or put one sea shell on either side of all entrances to the room (doors and windows).
2. Cast a circle like you normally would. Explain that you need help protecting this room.
3. If you want, this is the time to sprinkle powdered lemon rind around the circle for clarity.
4. Close the circle like you normally would, and remember to thank the elements.
This requires an edit. As outlined, it is more of a basic cleansing. I would not cast a circle, it seems superfluous. I would draw a protection symbol on each of the shells and say a protection chant to enchant them before placing them around your room. You should call on your guides for protection as you cast this. As outlined, it does not hold much power. The salt and lemon has the Magikal potential to cleanse any built up negative energy, but not much else. Add to it a bit and this can become a useful monthly ritual.
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