Beginners Wish Spell

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SpellsLife  ► Wish  ► Beginners Wish Spell
This spell will give a greater possibility of a wish coming true, without all the work.

Casting Instructions for 'Beginners Wish Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Candle (yourself)
  • 1 Piece of paper (wish)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Candle (yourself)
  • 1 Piece of paper (wish)
Please remember, before doing any spells, it is best to draw a circle. Yet, not required.
This spell will not make your wish come true on its own. It will just make it easier to obtain your wish. An example would be, wishing to lose weight. You can not do this spell and then sit on your butt and eat fatty foods, and expect to lose weight.
BUT THIS SPELL WILL: make it easier, and quicker to lose weight by exercise and a change of eating habits.

1) Light the Candle.
2) Take the piece of paper, on one side, draw a pentacle.
On the other side, write your wish or desire.
3) Burn the paper while concentrating on your wish.
How will you get there? The end result. (In the example, visualize yourself exercising, lifting higher weights with ease, and being smaller.)
You may place the paper on a plate or safe surface while burning.


WHILE THE PAPER BURNS say aloud or in your head :

'' May this candle represent me,
as I bathe my desire in flame,
let it be seen in great light,
let me __( name desire such as ''lose weight easier''___,
with ease, and confidence.
Let it Harm None,
So mote it be. ''


Added to on Sep 19, 2017
Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does it really work?

Sep 24, 2023
As long as you have faith, energy and some understanding in witchcraft, this shall work just as stated in the spell

i just tried this spell and will let u guys now something soon i have faith in it tho truly

Jan 08, 2020
Best of luck to you. Remember, it might take longer depending on the wish [wishing for a raise would yield quicker results than wishing to win the lottery]

Feb 01, 2020
I have faith in this spell myself, and am considering giving it a try tomorrow evening. Best of luck in achieving your own desires!

I couldn't even say the spell the flame just sallow my paper like in seconds

Feb 25, 2022

Thank you for this Iris and i look forward to cast this wish spell tonight using more of my energy on my intuition and goal.

Thank you for this Iris and i look forward to cast this wish spell tonight using more of my energy on my intuition and goal.

Thank you for this Iris and i look forward to cast this wish spell tonight using more of my energy on my intuition and goal.

I am not a fan of the chant. I know I say that a lot, but chants should be simple, specific, and flow. If you like the chant, use it, it will still work because you are stating your goal and setting your intention. The issue is, if you stop to find your place, or stumble over a word and feel bad, this will form breaks in the energetic flow. However, everything else is a working wish spell.

Take your time. Set your intention. Imagine how you will achieve your goal. How does it feel? How does it look? While you should focus on the benefits, be aware of what you will give up. The weight loss example, you give up unhealthy food. You give up lying on the couch watching your favourite show. You might lose friends because your interests change. This is not meant to prevent you from pursuing your goal, however, choice means you lose something. You choose to watch TV, you lose out on studying. You gain a fun night with your friends, you risk a bad grade on the test. If you still think it is worth it, go for it. This is true for all spells. What is the positive outcome, what is the negative outcome. Is it still worth it?

Wish spells are like any spell, you are telling the universe this is what I have, not this is what I want. While casting, charge energy and set your intention. Setting your intention is also called visualization. I say imagination, because while being able to see the image in your mind, not everyone can do that. You need to make it real to you. This makes your energy vibrate at that frequency. You then state your chant in the present I am confident. I am beautiful. I am healthy. In the case of weight lose I lose weight easily, weight is not an issue, or I do movement I love to maintain my ideal weight. You cast the spell, the universe reads the energy, and adjust the energy around you to move barriers out of the way. As IrisRoseFae said, the barriers are removed, you need to do the work. You will not be handed a job, but you will see an ad for your dream job. It is up to you to submit your resume and perform well in the interview.

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