Traditional Vampire Spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Traditional Vampire Spell
This is a traditional vampire spell with all the elements. The elements used to be made by hand but buying them is the same.

Casting Instructions for 'Traditional Vampire Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Element of Fire - eg. Picture of the sun
  • Element of Water - eg. Wine
  • Element of Earth - eg. Soil
  • Element of Air - eg. Leaves
  • Midnight
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Element of Fire - eg. Picture of the sun
  • Element of Water - eg. Wine
  • Element of Earth - eg. Soil
  • Element of Air - eg. Leaves
  • Midnight
Cast a circle. Put all the items in a line.

Twirl your hand over the fire element three times. While doing this say ' With this element I may be cautious, it will guild me in times behind the moon.'

Twirl your hand over the water element three times. While doing this say ' With this element I will nourish my body, still to drink it I shall, but not too much as it will harm. Let me still swim in your depths. I will still cherish you, I will.'

Twirl your hand over the earth element three times. While doing this say ' Through you dear element I travel afa, you guild my eagle eye. I may pray on your lands, I will cover you in blood to serve my mother. I will.'

Twirl your hand over the air element three times. While doing this say ' Tonight I will change, I will feel your wind, I will feel you press onto my lungs. You are thing that keeps me alive.'

Put your hands in a praying position, then push into the air like your giveing something to the gods. It should take 1- 2 weeks for you to become a real vampire, however it depends on the type of person you are.


Added to on Jul 10, 2012
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does this really work?

Apr 23, 2019
No. Shapeshifting is impossible. Some people practice psychic vampirism, but that's unrelated to this and takes practice for most people.

You cannot physically transform into a vampire.

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