Glamour Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Glamour Spell
Power of three, let them see, let them see.''

Casting Instructions for 'Glamour Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • You need one or more pink candles.
  • A handheld mirror
  • Love oil
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • You need one or more pink candles.
  • A handheld mirror
  • Love oil

'Dress' candles in love oil.
Next light the candles & stare deeply into the mirror.
Visualize the change you want.
Recite this incantation aloud:

"Sacred flame, as you dance
Call upon my sacred glance.
Call upon my second sight,
Give me (fill in what you want here)
With your light.
Blessed flame, shinning bright,
Give me now my second sight.
Power of three, let them see, let them see."


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Last edited on Aug 30, 2015
Part of the Shadow Craft Library.


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I am not a fan of the wording of the chant, but this sounds like a simple glamour. Be sure to imagine how you look, as well as how people will see you. Do not expect people to see you as an entirely different person, but if you wish people would overlook a birthmark, eye colour, pimple, or other subtle change, it could help.

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