Grow an Animal Tail and/or Ears

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Grow an Animal Tail and/or Ears
Believe in this spell to grow a tail or ears from your favorite animal.

Casting Instructions for 'Grow an Animal Tail and/or Ears'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pencil/Pen
  • Coloring Tools
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pencil/Pen
  • Coloring Tools

Read all before doing anything. Get a piece of paper. Draw yourself but so you can fit your tail and ears on you. Draw your tail and ears of any kind (example: wolf, fox, cat, etc.) Color the tail and ears.

Fold the paper any way once. Write down it's info (kind of tail and ears, what kind of creature it came from, what kind of powers you want, etc). Fold it again anyway you want.

Write and say at the same time: "Ears and tail, come to me, let me have a tail and ears, I wish for a tail and ears on the physical plane, so mote it be".

Now fold it again anyway you want. Draw a pentagram on it. Fold it again anyway you want once again. Now every night for three nights, chant this: " God/goddess' grant me my dream ears and tail on this plane from pain and growth. Ears and tail, come to me, let me have a tail and ears, I wish for ears and a tail on the physical plane, so mote it be". Then kiss the paper and place it under your pillow or place it within pillow covers.


Added to on Nov 02, 2012
Last edited on Jan 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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nice spell and well written

Apr 11, 2019
It is a fake spell

Nov 20, 2022
Lunatus is correct, it is fake.

It says believe so you don’t know if it is real or not

Jun 09, 2019
You can believe as much as you want, but belief cannot break natural laws. We cannot grow tails magickally, or develop animal ears, etc, as this breaks natural laws and alters our genetics, something that magick cannot do. Belief can only get you so far, and this spell is beyond what we can achieve.

You guys believe what you want to believe don’t let others destroy your path. I believe in Magic and if you don’t that’s fine but don’t break others spirit

Jan 15, 2020
nobody's ''destroying'' anyone's path. we are stating facts about magick and how it works on the physical plane. should you accept or ignore our words of wisdom is your choice. we're not chasing people down and demanding they conform, we are replying to comments, explaining how magick works, and giving alternatives to achieving your goal [regarding animal features, you cannot physically, but it's possible astrally]

Alright I mean I’m connected with spiritual things and I do have spiritual claws but alright I believe u Nekoshema

You cannot grow physical ears and tail with Real Magic.

I have a question What if i want to put the spell in a shampoo? What should i do?

Feb 19, 2021
It still won't work, but you can enchant shampoo by charging energy while holding the bottle, letting the energy pool in the shampoo bottle while visualizing/imagining your desired outcome and/or chanting [I enchant my salt body scrubs to double as a cleansing scrub, as well as say a cleansing chant while in the shower. It's called mixing the magickal with the mundane]

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