Weight Loss

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Weight Loss
This is a candle weight loss spell.

Casting Instructions for 'Weight Loss'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • White candle
  • Blue candle
  • Yellow candle
  • Mirror
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • White candle
  • Blue candle
  • Yellow candle
  • Mirror

You get 1 white, 1 blue, and 1yellow candle. Light them all in front of a mirror and say this chant:

"Lighter thinner
This I say
Make me my right size
On this very day"

When you finish this chant, pour the wax from the candles into a small glass with a new wick in it. Repeat this day after day until your new candle is made. Burn your new candle until it or the wind puts the candle out. When you're feeling overweight again light the candle and let it put itself out.


Added to on Jan 15, 2013
Last edited on Feb 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I feel this same spell was already posted. Firstly, make sure you have a wick for the new candle in place as you pour the wax in. Secondly, this won't make you lose weight without effort. I would cast this spell after a workout, and burn the new candle whenever you're having cravings, or feel you've fallen into old habits. Simply lighting a candle, however, won't make you lose weight. [if it was that simple, a lot of people would do it]

This does not work.

Sep 29, 2023
I'm not sure any of the spells work.

Sep 30, 2023
Weight lost specifically or on this site? Weight loss spells work, but they do not make the pounds vanish. They increase motivation, reduce cravings, and cast an illusion so people will perceive you at your desired goal instead of the awkward transition phase. You should cast a weight loss spell while also doing affirmations, self-love and beauty spells. They all work together and that would give you the best chance at success. But again, they are not instant. You will need to put forth the effort, but if the root of your weight issue is self-esteem, you would need to heal that. If the cause is a medical condition, again, that would need to be addressed before a weight loss spell could work. As for this site, there are a lot more fake or broken spells than working ones. It can be discouraging when you are new, and since I have decades of knowledge, I can read over a spell and tell how likely it is to work. Hence why I comment so often. It is far easier to go through the fantasy spells since they are the most popular and highest in fake spells, but I am trying to go through other sections. Partially for the sake of my own sanity. There are far more working warding spells than fairy spells and protections are a good thing to know.

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