Breast Enlargement

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Breast Enlargement
Enlarge your breast (girls only).

Casting Instructions for 'Breast Enlargement'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • must be naked
  • must be girl
  • 12:00 in the daytime
  • supervisor
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • must be naked
  • must be girl
  • 12:00 in the daytime
  • supervisor
Only works on woman. At 12:00 in the day take off your clothes and stand in your back yard. Keep a supervizor with you to watch at all times. Only other people can see if it worked. Look at your body and chant: Breast of a mouse all so small. But make them bigger to show them all. So mote it be.
If it works the supervisor should see you as a beautiful sexy girl. Put yours bra back on and you can find love anywhere.


Added to on Jan 28, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This is a fake spell a girls breasts can not just be expanded by anyone pervy mans on will!

U R crazy! I’m supposed to stand in my yard naked!!!Who comes up with these things?!?!?!

Mar 04, 2021
''I'm suppose to stand in my yard naked'' Google ''skyclad definition.'' While You probably should not stand in your front yard if you live in a suburban area, some Pagan do practice naked. Granted, they typically do so in a more private setting such as indoors or a wooded area. Regarding who creates this nonsense, mostly teens who do not know anything about Real Magik. That is not an insult to someones youth. The average age of members are 13-19, and the people who post these types of spells are fans of fantasy, discover that witches are real, find this site, and start posting whatever they think sounds magical without actually researching the real life spiritual practice. Hopefully, they discover this is an actual religious/spiritual practice and do some basic research. Unfortunately, this site does not permit spells to be deleted.

This does not work.

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