To Make Your Mer-Wish Come True

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► To Make Your Mer-Wish Come True
This spell will make your dream of being a mermaid come true.

Casting Instructions for 'To Make Your Mer-Wish Come True'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your Voice
  • Half full Bath With Your Desired Temperature
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your Voice
  • Half full Bath With Your Desired Temperature
First Fill The Bath As Directed Above, Next Get Into The Bath (You Don't Need To Be Fully In Just As Long As Your Partially Wet).

Then Say This Once: MerMaids Of The Ocean And Of The All The Waters Out And Free, My Dream Is To Become A Mer-Being With All That Seem, So This Is My Mermaid Oath, So Mote It Be My Wish For Me.

The only thing that means it is fully working is that your legs will be crossing a lot.

(it should work within 1-3 days. And while saying the spell think about the color of your tail you want and the power you want.)


Added to on Jun 02, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot become a mermaid.

Jul 09, 2019
You can becoming a mermaid but not through spells... To becoming a mermaid u need the shifting method subliminals and spells only help u to shift but it will never shift u fully.. U think its impossible go on amino to the merfolk shifters amino or other there are so many shifter and they all will say you it's possible and some of them can show you proof... Don't ruin our dreams we are Mer beings if you don't believe it wouldn't work the key for shifting is time believe and cencentration if u try the shifting method u will change i swear u will get results really fast... For example kissing Mithnight she was one of the first mermaid shifters and she had Shown us her proos she has shown the world a picture of her prescales if her tail... So don't say it's impossible... If everything is possible u have only to believe...

Jul 09, 2019
There is no proof that subliminals work at all, and they certainly don't for shapeshifting. It's incredibly easy to fake pictures as ''proof.'' I learned some basic special effects makeup through self teaching and theatre, and I could probably fake some scales on my legs fairly convincingly. Someone more experienced would likely not have difficulty in that. Photoshop could also be used. Photographs really aren't proof, as it's pretty feasible for someone to fake them.

Jul 09, 2019
no, it's not possible. physical shapeshifting isn't possible with magick because magick cannot contradict nature. humans are part of the physical plane, and physical shapeshifting goes against the laws of the physical. i don't care how many photoshopped photos you throw out as ''proof'' if you would just allow yourself to step out of your bias circle for a minute and look at the facts/logic of what you claim, you would understand that those of us who ''ruin your dreams'' as you put it, are simply trying to educate and help you. it's like people who believe in a flat earth, global warming is a myth, or that vaccines are dangerous, if you looked at the overwhelming evidence instead of the one or two groups that already agree with you, you would see the majority of the evidence is stating the opposite is true. don't use belief as a shield, it's not the star in super mario bro. and suddenly you're invincible, belief is powerful, but not infallible [again, many people strongly believe global warming isn't real, but i don't see the planet getting cooler simply because they believe it's not getting hotter]

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