
SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Healing
To remove pain

Casting Instructions for 'Healing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Materials required
  • Muslin bag
  • Dead sea salts
  • lavender herb
  • lavender oil.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Materials required
  • Muslin bag
  • Dead sea salts
  • lavender herb
  • lavender oil.

Fill your muslin bag half way with the dead sea salts,
add two teaspoons of lavender herb and one drop of lavender oil.
tie up the bag and include in your bath.
Close your eyes and feel your body soak up the healing herb, salt and oil.

Chant the rhyme

Pains and Aches and
Evil Things
Fly from me on rapid wings!
Leave my body, don't return
For peace and quiet I do yearn.
Surround me in Her radiant light.
Magic power pure and white
Banish forces of the night!
So as I will it
So mote it be!


Added to on Jul 16, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Do not forget to charge the bag with energy. This should work, but be sure to seek medical attention if this is an unusual pain.

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