Peeling Skin Elixer

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Peeling Skin Elixer
This simply elixer helps heal, and renew peeling skin.

Casting Instructions for 'Peeling Skin Elixer'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 container that can spray
  • 5 dandelion petals*/1 chopped up rose petal/1 chopped up aloe root
  • 1 cup of holy water
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 container that can spray
  • 5 dandelion petals*/1 chopped up rose petal/1 chopped up aloe root
  • 1 cup of holy water
Place all the item/ingredients in front of you. Pour your water within the container, then let it sit in the sun for half an hour. Once ready retrieve your newly filled bottle and ingredients and head toward your alter or shrine. Fill the bottle and water within with healing energies, and then proceed to fill with your selected ingredient. Shake for half a minute then let sit for ten minutes, repeat this process once more (or more if you so wish). Now that your elixer should be ready, spray on the skin that is peeling twice a day (after and before bed, shower, ect.). This process may take up to a week before you can actually see it work!

*the dandelion I am currently testing so I don't recommend using it unless you so wish to.


Added to on Jul 28, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Aloe might be the only thing that could actually help, but I am unsure if the root works better than the leaves.

Can I use moon water and can this elixir make a persons skin smooth well, and smooth as they want ?

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