Turn Into a Unicorn

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Turn Into a Unicorn
You can control when you look like a unicorn.

Casting Instructions for 'Turn Into a Unicorn'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • White candle
  • Milk
  • Vanilla
  • 1 cotton ball
  • 1 fairy wand
  • Daisies (the flowers)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • White candle
  • Milk
  • Vanilla
  • 1 cotton ball
  • 1 fairy wand
  • Daisies (the flowers)

Light the candle on a full moon then mix the milk and add vanilla together in the cup with the spoon. Make a circle out of the daisies and put cup inside. After say this spell:

"Moon light magic call all unicorns call the rainbow tonight. Hear my plea transform me make me a unicorn. I will join the fun and help clean up when done. Give me the power to (grant wishes, fly with wings or give sweet dreams chose one) so unicorn I shall be".

Say that three times with your hand over potion. Then take the cotton ball dip in potion and dab all over your body. Just snap to become one.


Added to on Aug 16, 2013
Last edited on Apr 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically transform into a unicorn.

You cannot become a unicorn with magick.

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