Five-Knot Elemental Blessing

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Five-Knot Elemental Blessing
This spell will bless you

Casting Instructions for 'Five-Knot Elemental Blessing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A length of white cord or string, preferably of a natural material
  • A piece of paper and a pen
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A length of white cord or string, preferably of a natural material
  • A piece of paper and a pen
Cast a circle and meditate for awhile, holding the cord or string in both hands, letting yourself become calm and focused. When you’re ready, take your string and tie four knots in it, moving right to left. Make them evenly spaced with a length of string left on either side. Tie each knot carefully and with purpose. As you make your knots, speak these words:
The first knot is tied to bless the heart. May friendship and love thrive, and may my emotions be happy and free as a rippling stream.
The second knot is tied to bless the will. May my drive and determination be strong to help me achieve my goals, and may my inner strength shine through like the bright flame of a candle.
The third knot is tied to bless the body. May I be in good health and be safe and secure, and have the steadiness and strength of the stones of the Earth.
The fourth knot is tied to bless the mind. May I be inspired and creative, able to express myself and my ideas. May my mind be fresh and clear as a fair breeze.
Then take the two ends on either side of the four knots. Tie them together twice to make a fifth knot, making a circle with five evenly spaced knots. As you tie it, say:
The fifth knot is tied to bless the soul. May I be spiritually fulfilled, connected to the Earth and Sky, and one with all. May I be as whole as the universe itself.
Arrange the string as a perfect (or as perfect as you can make it) circle on the piece of paper. Take the pen and draw lines connecting the knots to make a pentagram, starting and ending with the fifth knot. Fill the symbol with power as you draw it, and allow its power to fill you. For a few moments, meditate or breathe deeply while gazing at it. When you feel ready, close your circle and end your rite. You can leave the string-and-paper pentacle on your altar (or wherever you drew it) for the rest of the day/night (or longer), if you like. When you take it apart, you can bury the string or keep it as a charm. Burn or bury the paper or otherwise return it to the elements.
(The pronouns in the spoken words can be changed to have this blessing be for someone else. If you perform this blessing for someone else, I would suggest writing his or her name on the paper prior to knotting the cord or string, and then forming the pentacle underneath the name. As always, it’s best to perform a spell for someone else with his or her permission.)


Added to on Sep 12, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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A simple knot spell. This should work.

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