Animal Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Animal Spell
This spell makes you 50% animal. But not the way, as, you choose cat and you will get only some characteristics. A half animal, for this spell, means you can shapeshift into animal you chose in spell.

Casting Instructions for 'Animal Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Believe
  • Voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Believe
  • Voice



''Gods of nature and divine I want to be part animal.
Please grant me my wish and I will honor you with all my heart.
Grant me my wish, make me a (say animal you wish to become).''


Chant spell one time.

You need to just say spell once and belive it, believe it will happen with all your heart, just like you have to with all your spells. As you say spell, think of how you will look like as animal you said.
After ''make me a'' you have to say animal you want to shapeshift in. For example, wolf, cat, bird, crocodile, etc. 

- Spell takes min: 5 minutes, max: 1 week
- To shapeshift is very easy once you done this spell. You have to think of yourself as animal you want to become.

SIDE EFFECTS: Are different for each animal.

Questions? Message me


Added to on Sep 28, 2013
Last edited on Apr 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Hey does this actually work?

May 01, 2019
No, any spell that claims to drastically alter you physically is fake.

Nov 26, 2019
Probably not, but I just did it and still felt a sudden drain of energy

Mar 26, 2020
@MidnightPoet, what animal did you choose?

This is really neat, but the grammar in the description portion is making me want to switch to developer mode and change it, although it is temporary. Ah well, just ignore it me.

This does not work. You are physically human, no spell will change that. You cannot physically transform, shapeshifting is not possible with Real Magik.

I've tried it and got backfired. Very deep scratch on my palm of my hand that burned like hell! Even if you try it yourself, the Universe and the Gods and Goddesses won't allow it and get you back 3 times Karma.

Nov 26, 2022
It didn't backfire. It won't work. Magic cannot transform you into anything. You are human, and you will remain human. Any side-effect was coincidental at best, psychosomatic at worst. Nothing happened.

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