Vampire Transformation

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Vampire Transformation
Note: This can make you or the victim vampire by night. During the day, there is no effect. Must be done during full moon.

Casting Instructions for 'Vampire Transformation'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Full moon
  • You (and/or the victim)
  • Must be 11:00pm
  • Belief (of course!)
  • Favorite piece(s) of jewelry
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Full moon
  • You (and/or the victim)
  • Must be 11:00pm
  • Belief (of course!)
  • Favorite piece(s) of jewelry
1) Go outside on a full moon at 11:00pm. Make sure you have your most valued piece(s) of jewelry!
2) While staring into the piece of jewelry, chant:
''Human by day, beast by night,
This night being shall ingnite,
Give me fangs as sharp as blades
Let this go on for decades and decades.''
3) Now, put on your jewelry and imagine yourself turning into a vampire for one or so minutes. When ready, look up at the moon and chant:
''With this (your jewelry), I shall keep,
My promise to all vampires this deep,
Human by day, beast by night,
This being shall ignite,
So mote it be!!!''

If it does not work, keep trying until it does.

Side Effects:
Tooth aches
Chest pains (transformation; after you cast it, the next time you are a vampire, no pain will occur)
Stomach aches
Cravings for blood
Eye color changes
Lighter skin than usual

Blessed be!


Added to on Dec 07, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You can't transform into a vampire in this sense of the word.

You cannot physically transform into a vampire.

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