Release The Inner You Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Release The Inner You Spell
Have you ever thought that the voice inside your head was more then just your conscience speaking? It could really be that inner beast within getting ready to be unchained.

Casting Instructions for 'Release The Inner You Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A focused mind.
  • A few candles here and there.
  • A early picture of you.
  • A written in pen paper on what your inner you should be like.
  • Zen music(optional).
  • Have to be completely alone.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A focused mind.
  • A few candles here and there.
  • A early picture of you.
  • A written in pen paper on what your inner you should be like.
  • Zen music(optional).
  • Have to be completely alone.
Now place a few candles here and there. The more candles the stronger the spell. Now take to picture of you and focus on all the details then take a pen and write done what you want to see different. Be it hair color or mood change like an opposite you if you want. Now if you chose Zen music then that helps to calm the mind. No make sure you are completely alone because at your own risk you may unleash a deamon that lay dorment within you.
Now close your eyes and visualize that you are in a room with all these doors surrounding you. Only one door is the correct door to what you desire. Open the wrong door then I wish you luck with that. No, the door you want is the only one that needs a key. Find that door and be ready to open it because what lays in chains is that inner you. They will ask do you need me, you answer yes or no. If no then you can enter at any time. If yes then you will take their place and watch the world through their eyes. If they ask do you want me instead of need me then do not answer, turn around and lock the door in behind you. A need and a wabt are two different things. Now when the spell is over you will go back to normal. It should only last a day, but if it continues then so mote it be.


Added to on Jan 09, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I fail to see the point. I assume this is a meditation to help you connect with your inner self, but it also sounds like a type of possession or way to switch places with your subconscious. I see this working as a form of shadow work, not as a type of possession.

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