How to read Auras

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► How to read Auras
This is how I learned how to read auras. It can take some practice before you do it.

Casting Instructions for 'How to read Auras'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • You or your friends hand
  • White paper
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • You or your friends hand
  • White paper
First put the white paper on a flat surface. This could be a table or a floor
Then put you or your friends hand on the paper facing palm up.
Look at a spot on the hand, but use your peripheral vision to look at the paper.
You'll see something like a white outline around your hand.
Don't look at it until you know it's there for sure. It might disappear, just start again.
After a while colors will show up around your hand. Those are auras.

This is how I learned and now if I see someone wearing a white shirt I can read their aura.


Added to on May 12, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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So Litteraly Needs To Focus on one thing Lol

Bare bones explanation, but that is how you begin seeing auras. You can also ask someone to stand by a solid coloured wall. As you get better at seeing auras, you can try seeing strangers auras while you wait in line or are on the bus. You should also be doing energy work to make it easier for you to sense auras.

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