Calmness, Memory, and Thinking

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Calmness, Memory, and Thinking
1st : Give you a calmness mind for one day! 2nd : Increase your memory capacities and make you easy to remember it! 3rd : Makes what others think about you!

Casting Instructions for 'Calmness, Memory, and Thinking'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3 White Candles (for calmness)
  • 3-5 White Candles (for memory)
  • 3-5 Blue Candles (for memory)
  • 3-6 Red Candles (for thinking)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3 White Candles (for calmness)
  • 3-5 White Candles (for memory)
  • 3-5 Blue Candles (for memory)
  • 3-6 Red Candles (for thinking)

Sit cross-legged. Put the candles circling you. Light them up and say :

*** For Calmness :"God of Friends, I need you now! Make me fully calm and have no angry from now until tonight! For honour and thanks if you give me! Please let it be! So mote it be!"

*** For Memory :"God of Athena and God of Memories! I need you now. Make my mind can remember more than anyone, make me remember longer than anyone! Please let it be if you want it! This is my wishes! So mote it be!"

*** For Thinking :"God of Mind, make people think about me with what I want! They will not think of what I don't want! This is my wish, (what are your wishes). Please let it be because this is my wish! So mote it be!"

Breathe all smoke from candle after saying the spells! Breath until the candles has stopped!


Added to on Jul 16, 2014
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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1. This might help calm you. 2. You cannot increase your memory with a chant alone. 3. There is no ''God of Mind.'' Pick a deity that rules over intelligence. Regardless, simply saying ''I want people to think of me a certain way'' will not do much. Visualize what you want, live in accordance with that image, but remember some people will not like you for no reason. Nobody is universally liked.

God of Athena? There's no God of Athena. Athena is a god (or goddess, I suppose). No one holds rule over her in particular (Zeus perhaps? Though he rules over all greek gods)

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