Body Hair Removal

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Body Hair Removal
This hair removal and prevention beauty spell will remove unwanted hair growth, whether from all regions of the body or a specific selected region. This spell can also prevent future hair from growing in undesirable locations.

Casting Instructions for 'Body Hair Removal'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Avocados
  • 20 grams Clove spice powder OR 20 grams Ginseng powder
  • 1 Photograph of target
  • 1 Blender (Avocados must be completely blended into a paste)
  • 1 Sealable baggie (zip lock works great!)
  • 1 Shovel or garden spade
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Avocados
  • 20 grams Clove spice powder OR 20 grams Ginseng powder
  • 1 Photograph of target
  • 1 Blender (Avocados must be completely blended into a paste)
  • 1 Sealable baggie (zip lock works great!)
  • 1 Shovel or garden spade

Smear the paste of the avocado onto the photograph. Sprinkle the powder onto the photo and paste. State the words: "I control the hair and I ensure this control for good"

Place the photo into the baggie and seal the baggie. Meditate for 2-3 minutes, envisioning the hair removal and retaining no hair in the area desired. Or other desired effects. Bury the baggie in a place where it will remain for at least 24 hours (approximately 1 foot deep is fine, in sand or dirt).

You can leave the baggie there or you can dispose of it after 24 hours.


Added to on Nov 07, 2014
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This does not work.

Mar 10, 2022
of course not working, also put avocado and powder in photo while energy work (if it strong) will not only make to hair growth area, but also the whole body of that person is mixed (spiritually) with the avocado and powder. which , if you put the paste in face or head will likely make.. My advice if somebody modified this spell and make it work (while i also doubt it), please specify the photograph.

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