Restoration of Minor Injury

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Restoration of Minor Injury
Heal cuts/scraps faster and easier for beginners.

Casting Instructions for 'Restoration of Minor Injury'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water
  • Salt
  • A bowl
  • White candle
  • Cloth
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water
  • Salt
  • A bowl
  • White candle
  • Cloth

Pour the water (warm) into your bowl (cereal size) then mix in 2 pinches of salt into water making solvent. Light your candle and place above bowl away from you. Place the cloth in water but make sure it's not dripping wet. Place the cloth over flesh wound and meditate

Imagine your chi traveling from your core towards your wound imagine it wrapping around and healing the injury (remember only focus on one at a time for beginners) take your time do as long as you feel needed

This does not heal your injury right away unless you are very advanced in restoration even then it's not necessarily immediate it just cuts down the pain and healing time and is a good way to practice your restoration magic


Added to on Jan 24, 2015
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
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This might help with minor injuries.

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