Achieve the Thigh Gap.

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Achieve the Thigh Gap.
Have you LONGED for that thigh gap you have been wishing for but cannot get? Well this is the spell for you!

Casting Instructions for 'Achieve the Thigh Gap.'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A voice
  • This spell
  • Imagination
  • A will to do it.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A voice
  • This spell
  • Imagination
  • A will to do it.
Say this incantation 3 times in either latin or english.
Hoc igitur dico, in magnam altitudinem habentis maleficia concedere ad causam meam. Pinguedinem meam, corpus quidem mortuum est mihi. Nutrientibus eam. In die illa a Gone . Femur apparebit hiatus et sumptus erit carus . Sumptus est pinguis et insulator, quod prohibet femur discrimen. Hoc volo ut fiat !

I call upon the grand high witch to grant my plea. The fat on my body is dead to me. Suck it away. Gone in a day. Thigh gaps will appear and the cost will be dear. The cost is fat, and insulator, the thing that prevents the thigh gap. This is my will, so mote it be!

Imagine the fat reducing to the weight you want to be. Imagine a light of any colour you wish coming out of your hands, encasing yourself in a sphere.


Added to on Mar 13, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Chanting might help with motivation but it will not cause you to instantly loose weight and get a thigh gap. [also if you're planning on making a trade with the universe/divine, it doesn't work by giving up something you don't want like extra fat. You would have to make an actual sacrifice like no more junk food]

As outlined, this does not work. Also, be aware some people genetically cannot achieve a thigh gap.

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