God Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► God Spell
Become an already existing god/goddess but with your choice of side affects and type.

Casting Instructions for 'God Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • water
  • cup
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • water
  • cup



"I invoke heckingson jumbo to take over everything in me and give me the power to become the (god/goddess) of my choice (god/goddesses name) and become the god of my life a (god/goddess) of (type of god/goddess) after I drink this water I can choose my side effects which will be (side affects) and I will be a god kind fine but not the odd, so it shall be to shift to what will now be inside me, I will be the most powerfull of (gods/goddesses) glowing skin, able to use any kind of magic, shining like a star, for this is my will so shall it be, three times said three times blessed, So mote it be."


Say 3-5 times or once or 5-10 times if you think it will help


Added to on Jun 24, 2015
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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does this work

May 07, 2019

You cannot become a god.

Nov 22, 2021
This is just plain idiotic. I get on this site for help with a healing prayer and then there are just these bloody yahoos who think, ''Oh, how can I make people feel like an idiot?'' ''How do I trick people into thinking that magick is something that it's not?'' ''Hm, I kn0ow, I'll make a bloody god spell.''

Nov 23, 2021
I feel you. I joined this site years ago excited to chat with others in the forums, but once the spell comments opened it has been insanity. I was use to the occasional ''I want to be a vampire werewolf hybrid who can fly and is also a fairy, and you're a hater if you tell me otherwise cause I BELIEVE!!!'' but some of these feel downright insulting. Some are even dangerous. I saw one once that was how to become a ghost and it said something along the lines of ''drink bleach.'' This site could be so much better, and that is what I hope to achieve.

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