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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Shapeshift
Shapeshift into an animal!
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Set of clothes

Casting Instructions for 'Shapeshift'

SIDE NOTE: The alligator in the first spell was nothing more than an example. Since you yourself are a mammal, this spell will only allow you to become other mammals. But how cool would it be to turn into an alligator!!

Before you do this you better take off the clothes you have on because either the animal form will wear the clothes, shrink out of them, or tear them from growing. If you don't want this happening, take off the clothes and have them prepared for afterwards. But if you do want that keep the clothes on.

Close your eyes and think of the animal you found in the first spell. Do not think of changing, just think of the animal. In your mind, when ready, tell it that you're ready for the transformation to begin. If the animal speaks (again not English but like animal speak) it means that you will transform soon.

If the animal threatens, (examples are a bear growling, or a wolf barking aggressively or snarling) say a polite goodbye and try again tomorrow at the very soonest.

The transformation may or may not hurt, it all depends on mood. If the animal seemed happy, it is much less likely that the transformation will hurt, but if the animal looked mad, but not threatening, it is more likely to hurt. It won't hurt really bad, just a few cramps. The transformation will not be slow, but it will take about twenty seconds at least. Remember, most transformations are only about twenty five to thirty seconds, and if in doubt, don't tell the animal you're ready if you see it looking mad.

The pain is not feeling like bones are breaking, the bones will only feel like they're rearranging themselves. It's a very weird feeling. The pain feels like the common cramps most commonly. It's not agonizing.

After the transformation, you will be the animal. But, nobody knows! And animals can't speak English... But you will have your mind and self-awareness, and remember exactly who you are and what happened. Have fun!

When you want to change into a person again, close your eyes and imagine the animal again, and say in mind that you're ready to transform back into a human. If it let you become an animal, it will definitely help you back, no matter what. The pain level will be the same, and so will the time. You may or may not have trouble moving like a human, depending how long you were transformed.

When you're ready for your next form, do the original spell and then this one again. You get to choose from now on! But instead of the spell for the first one, when the energy engulfs your image, say in head

''Come, oh (what animal you want to be), take refuge in me, and let me become you when you will it be. With (color you want) fur, beautiful as could be, let me become you when you will it be.''

The silhouette should simply morph into the animal you chose and not a random one this time. Then say the original spell and voila! The speaking rule still applies for this one.

Just because you have another form, doesn't mean you won't be able to transform into the first one! You can have as many forms as you want, and be able to pick between them and be all of them!

Have fun shifting!

Added to on Aug 07, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This is fake and will not allow you to become an animal.

You cannot physically transform into any type of animal.

your other side isnt its own being. Its you, a part of your soul and is no way some sort of other creature that will become mad at you if you want to be one with it.

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