Bene valeas et quiescas somnus

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Bene valeas et quiescas somnus
It says Good night sleep. Like many of my spells its amazingly easy. Come check it out.

Casting Instructions for 'Bene valeas et quiescas somnus'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A cup of your favorite tea
  • A opened window
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A cup of your favorite tea
  • A opened window
Stand in front of the window say the spell then drink the tea and you should go to sleep may take 1 or 2 tries for you beginners but hang in there. Afterwards you can close the window.

''Venio ad meum.
I call you here,
Restful night that seem to disappear.
Sleepness I cast you off into the air,
So I may rest in slumbers care.
Mother, Mother come what may,
Aid me so I may sleep at bay.''

Then Chant 5 times: ''Mens Agitat Molem.''


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This spell has really helped me when I have nightmares.

Feb 28, 2022
At least, if you wanna practice spell, you must know the meaning. I just Translate: Bene=well/rightly/with good , valeas=be well, valetudo=health, quiescas=quiet, somnus=sleep (well good(health) & quiet sleep), venio=come, meum= my/mine (come to me/mine) mens=mind, agitare=move/shake/drive, molem/moles= Large mass, bulk, pile (the mind moves the mass). Please be understand, if you don't know what is the meaning and you just do it, sometimes it could make graziness/insanity ,please give the translation english along with the spell, well if you make any spell again.

molem (last word) does not mean what is said? Or I am mistaken..

Dec 23, 2021
I personally wouldn't use anything where the chanting is in Latin or another language not well understood by the caster. It is far too easy for the writer to misuse a written language they are not fluent in.

Again, if you do not speak a specific language, do not cast in that language, you will be too focused on the part you do not understand. That said, a soothing tea, relaxing/meditating before bed, then saying a chant similar to a lullaby does work. You just ground energy instead of charge it.

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