Invoking Aphrodite

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Invoking Aphrodite
This spell will create feelings of beauty and cconfidence. It may or may not be placebo but the effects are wonderful

Casting Instructions for 'Invoking Aphrodite'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 healthy dose of confidence
  • 1 candle (any shape/color, whichever is your ''power color'')
  • Bath tub
  • Warm water
  • Epsom salts OR essential oils (vanilla, rose, etc)
  • Rose quartz (or any stone associated with the Goddess)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 healthy dose of confidence
  • 1 candle (any shape/color, whichever is your ''power color'')
  • Bath tub
  • Warm water
  • Epsom salts OR essential oils (vanilla, rose, etc)
  • Rose quartz (or any stone associated with the Goddess)
Fill a tub with warm water. Mix in about half a cup of Epsom salt or 2 tablespoons of essential oils. Sea salt will suffice

Light the candle (somewhere safe). Focus on the flame. Imagine it growing brighter with each breath until the flame has overtaken you.

Climb into the bath and soak for about 20 minutes. Nothing special, just soak in the water and pour it over your body. Reflect on what you are about to do.

To begin invoking Aphrodite, you must be in a stable state of mind. She is a gentle yet powerful goddess and should be addressed as such. Sit in the tub, ''Indian Style'' with your eyes closed. Breath and clear your mind as if you were meditating. In a clear, loud voice say ''Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, queen of sexuality, ruler of men's hearts (you want to flatter her right?) I invoke thee. Hear me!''

Repeat this as many times as you need. Ask her to grant you her beauty (be descriptive!) Make your skin as radiant as hers, your lips as tempting as hers, etc. Pour the water over the body part you speak of.

Continue breathing slowly and deeply. Raise your hands (palms up) and again say ''Aphrodite I invoke thee!'' Get out of the tub and blow out the candle.

You'll know if it was successful if you envision golden rays coming upon you and you recieve more compliments than usual. Thank the Goddess for her gifts and


Added to on Dec 08, 2015
Last edited on Mar 22, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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What is the power color? I'm new.

Dec 09, 2023
I assume they meant like the color that you connect with.

In theory, this could work, but I feel this person made it up since they needed to break from their chant to say (flatter her). You can invoke deities by having a bath with herbs associated with them while also reflecting on that deity. Aphrodite is about love, this includes self-love, so if you are struggling with confidence, you can call to her. You would not require 1 confidence to do it. As for the candle, any shape/size in your power colour? You are calling to Aphrodite, look up her colours and items associated with her. Do you have a white dove candle? How about a pink shell candle? Those would please her. Nitpick, but you can simply say ''cross-legged'' since the term used in the spell is historically meant as an insult. Fill the tub with warm water and Epsom salt as mentioned. Light the candle and relax in the tub while reflecting on Aphrodite and why you wish to work with her. When you feel ready, say a blessing chant to her and continue to meditate. When you are ready to end the bath, thank her for being with you. You should then leave an offering somewhere for her. Afterwards, remain observant of your surroundings as She may reach out to you over the next few days/weeks.

You should not flatter any god/goddess to simply get things done for yourself. Whatever you say should be from your heart. This may improve the effectivity of the spell as the gods can acknowledge that whatever you say is true.

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