Life Swap

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Life Swap
You will wake up the next day as someone else.

Casting Instructions for 'Life Swap'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Picture of the Person
  • Time 5pm-7pm
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Picture of the Person
  • Time 5pm-7pm

Begin the spell between 5 p.m.-7 p.m. Whisper the following to the picture:


"God and goddes on this night I will life swap with name of person when I dream I be dreaming that I am them they be dreaming becoming me ple when wake up in the morning I be in there bed while they be in mine ple grant each of us your new set of memories while we stay in the other persons body ple grant my wish for evermore, so mote it be."



 From here fall asleep before 12 a.m.

You will wake up in their bed and you will have their memories.



Added to on Apr 17, 2016
Last edited on Apr 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Will you keep your memories and their memories or just theirs

Jun 14, 2019
You can't swap lives with someone else, so it doesn't matter.

to reverse redo

Jul 08, 2020
did u do it or no

fake spell u dumb ass's need to stop making people believe this shit

Jun 15, 2021
There is no need to harass other members in the spell discussion section. Most can discern this is a fake spell. Those whom can not can be told kindly. Those whom post fake spells are able to according to the site administrator and there is no need to insult them.

Aug 02, 2021
Yeah you need to be kinder about how you approach people cause if I were to meet you and you said this to me we might have some issues

Aug 23, 2021
Sheesh, that's a bit harsh. I get that it's quite annoying when you find fake spells, but maybe try to be a little kinder about it.

You cannot swap bodies with Real Magik.

This spell won't let you swap lives with someone else.

What Is The Side Effect?

Sep 30, 2021
You can't Freaky Friday with someone in reality, but I suppose some side effects would include being energized and dizzy [since you charged energy with no place to go] perhaps you will have rather vivid dreams, and perhaps you'll begin to see things from their point of view. That's the only ways I see this spell working anyway.

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