Grow and Shrink at your Will

  Rated 5/5 Stars
SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Grow and Shrink at your Will
Title says it.

Casting Instructions for 'Grow and Shrink at your Will'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing

For Shrinking


Whisper or say in squeaky voice:



"Ants and all small creatures,

listen to me now

being large is not my will,

I will be ( ) tall,

I will be small like a flea,

stealthy as a cougar."


For Growing


Don't yell, just think:



Elephants and all large creatures,

listen to me now

being small is not my will,

being small is not my will,

I will be ( ) tall,

I will be large like a whale,

tall like a giraffe."



Added to on May 10, 2016
Last edited on May 25, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does this work?

Apr 18, 2019
No, this is a fake spell.


Does this spell really work? I'm incredibly short and I'm looking for anything to help me grow

Jun 14, 2019
No, magick can't affect your physical appearance.

so its a fake spell with a 5 out of 5 rating?? who even moderates the spells? what if the spell was something more dangerous? or was missing in info?

If it works how fast

Jan 22, 2020
As mentioned above, you cannot physically transform, so grow/shrink cannot be done. Look into astral projection.

You cannot physically transform with Real Magik.

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