Mermaid/Merman Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Mermaid/Merman Spell
This is a spell that will hopefully turn you into a mermaid/merman! It does not work for everyone.

Casting Instructions for 'Mermaid/Merman Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water
  • Ocean themed necklace, like this one:
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water
  • Ocean themed necklace, like this one:
You have to be fully wet in order to complete the spell. I recommend doing the spell in the shower, pool, or ocean/lake because it works better that way but you do not have to. It also has to be night with the moon out. Get your water and put your necklace into it. You probably want to get a necklace that won't tarnish. When you are fully wet and have your necklace in your water, chant these words 10 times (you can do it less, but it works better if you say it 10 times):

Legs no more, tail forever. Scales the color of (the tail color you want), hair of silk. Voice of power, I chant at this hour. Connect me to the water, give me my power(s). Take away my legs, when I'm in water. Make me more than a human being, give me the powers of the sea. Make me a mermaid, so mote it be.

You will fully get your powers and tail exactly 24 hours later. After you are done chanting put you necklace on and don't EVER take it off or you will not be a mermaid anymore. You will get the powers of hydrokinesis, hydro-cryokinesis, hydro-thermokinesis, gelidkinesis, and substanciakinesis. There will be side affects such as seeing imprints of scales, headaches, red bumps on legs, salt or water craving, being attracted to the moon or water. On a full moon, stay indoors because the moon can make mermaids have uncontrollable powers. If you do the spell with other people, then the powers will be distributed among the people equally.


Added to on Jun 18, 2017
Last edited on Apr 29, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot become a mermaid.

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