Love Yourself (Bath of Herbs)

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Love Yourself (Bath of Herbs)

You have to really love and appreciate yourself. If you want anybody else to love and appreciate you, that's where it starts. It doesn't start from meeting someone to fill in the missing parts of yourself. So you want to embrace and love yourself. This is a spell taken from a Wiccan Love Spell video on YouTube ( )

Casting Instructions for 'Love Yourself (Bath of Herbs)'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 photograph of yourself as a child (placed on your alter)
  • Cinnamon
  • Water (warm bath)
  • White handkerchief or a red piece of cloth
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Peppermint
  • Tea bag: e.g. Honey, peach, ginger tea (green tea is also acceptable)
  • Pink ribbon or a red ribbon
  • Journal or a pen and paper
  • Mortar and pestle or a knife
  • Mirror
  • Candles (red / pink)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 photograph of yourself as a child (placed on your alter)
  • Cinnamon
  • Water (warm bath)
  • White handkerchief or a red piece of cloth
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Peppermint
  • Tea bag: e.g. Honey, peach, ginger tea (green tea is also acceptable)
  • Pink ribbon or a red ribbon
  • Journal or a pen and paper
  • Mortar and pestle or a knife
  • Mirror
  • Candles (red / pink)
First, place a photograph of yourself when you were a child in the center of your altar. Then sit in front of it and you remember who that kid was, and the things that you really loved doing; and you open your heart, and you give to that child, all the things the child needed and didn't get. Whether it was affirmation, or affection, or expressions of love, or opportunities to spend more time with your parents; whatever that was, you go back and you essentially relive those key moments, and you - now, as the grown up you - take the roll of the adult, or the person who could provide those things. You can write it out; put it in your magical journal.

What you're doing is a symbolic enactment. One of the best ways to do a love spell for yourself is a bath; because water is the element of love.
So you go to the kitchen cabinet and you pull out a number of ingredients. And you can put them in a white handkerchief, or a red piece of cloth. Red: symbol of love, passion, desire; which you need for yourself.

Grab some cinnamon, then lavender, which is very relaxing. Then add some rosemary and some peppermint which is great for cleansing and purification. After you put that in, go to your tea cabinet, and you pull out a tea bag. Open it up, and add it to the mixture of herbs.

And what you want to do is use your nose; because the artistry of spell casting is very sensual. If you want to grind them together, you would grind it in a clockwise manner, Using a mortar and pestle, but you may also use the butt end of a knife.

Grind them together; put them back in the cloth; tie it up with a little pink ribbon, or a red ribbon; and run a warm bath. Then dump in the herbs and then soak. You can also add candles; red and pink will do to represent love.

When you get out of the bath, look yourself in the mirror and tell that child that you love them.


Added to on Dec 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Cute spell, and it's true the only one who will ''complete'' you is you. Depending on how much pain you have however, this might take more time. When you first start looking in the mirror and saying you love yourself you will get those negative voices complaining about what you're doing, so I feel if someone feels really low about themselves, saying to their inner child [or photo of themselves] they love them will get a similar result, so try to do this, say, once a week or once every 2 weeks. The more frequent you work on something the easier it becomes. Also, you might want to combine this with shadow work if your low self love involves healing your inner child.

Working self-love spell.

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