Change gender(made by actual spellcaster)

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Change gender(made by actual spellcaster)
Change your form from male to female. List desired traits.
As you know, or I'm about to tell you, spells that alter the human body are extremely dangerous, or don't work.(because their made by people who don't know,or for fantasy game purposes.) But, as an actual practitioner of magick, I've made a spell that will circumvent the usual dangerous methods,that being said. This spell doesn't change your body, or swap your body, it makes a new one. It scours the multi verse for everything needed, and after its done it puts it all back.

Casting Instructions for 'Change gender(made by actual spellcaster)'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 white candle
  • 1 piece of snowflake obsidian
  • 1 paper with specific design.
  • 2 trait lists
  • 2 rubber bands
  • Firm belief in magic
  • Belief in spell
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 white candle
  • 1 piece of snowflake obsidian
  • 1 paper with specific design.
  • 2 trait lists
  • 2 rubber bands
  • Firm belief in magic
  • Belief in spell
List all that you are on a sheet paper. And draw the symbol for male on the back side of the paper. List all that you want to be on another sheet of paper(DO NOT. Screw around with your brain or soul PERIOD. Don't try to make yourself a vampire or other mythical creature, or it will fail. Don't try to make any extra limbs or tail. Makecsure that w you put in the list is human and biologically possible, or it will fail or harm you.)and and draw the symbol for female on the back. Roll up papers and bind individually with rubber band(symbols should not be covered and plainy visable.) Place male list in top left circle of the design, place female list in the top right. Place white candle in the top center circle. Place the stone in the bottom circle. Say
''This parchment holds all that I am in body, and I wish to cast it off(hold your hand over the male list) please grant my wish and give me a body fitting the details penned here(gesture over the other list.''
Light the candle and place your hands over the stone, chant your name followed by the name you wish to take on,(Fist name only.M,F,M,F.)until you have said both names ten times.
Finish the chant with ''my wish has been laid bare before thee,
Please I implore you, so mote it be.'' Twice. Now snuff the candle unbind both lists and lay them facing words up over there respective circles, turn the stone 180 degrees and go to bed.

You may take on your female form any where from the following day to five days from then. Upon taking your new form you will remain in it for the next two days, if by the end of the period you wish to stay this way, burn the male list over the candle and wear the snowflake obsidian as jewellery for the following 24 hours, if removed before then you will revert the following morning. After 24 hours have passed you may enjoy your new life.

Keep in mind that you will experience hormonal changes and such. Do not reverse the symbol to attempt a female to male version of this spell, do not tamper with the spell site during the trial period, do not tamper with the spell in order to do a female to male transformation. I will make a reverse version for the spell if its in demand. Please note me your experience with this spell, as it helps me to improve it and others. The design can be printed, but might be better if hand drawn. The link to the design shall be added shortly.


Added to on Jan 25, 2018
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Hi, um, I was wondering where I could get the ''specific design'' you're referring to.

Jan 25, 2019
The author of the spell hasn't been online since early last year, so they won't be able to answer. But having the design won't matter too much, as you cannot change your gender with magick.

LakeOwl, will you ever put the design up for this spell.

Mar 24, 2019
Magick cannot change you physically. If you are unhappy or uncomfortable with the gender you were assigned at birth, you could consider going to a gender counselor, who could help you figure out if you have dysphoria and help you through social and physical transition if you chose to do that.

Mar 25, 2019
i am doing that but was hoping for a quicker solution, due my friend saying how the spells here are good.

Mar 25, 2019
Magick can't transform you physically, but you could use it to help with transition. :) A glamour spell could help people perceive you the way you want them too. This could help alleviate social dysphoria. You could also do a money spell to help bring in some funds for a transition and any costs that might come with gender counseling, and maybe a spell to bring opportunities to open up anything that may help you in your journey. I'd also recommend looking into what spells can and can't do, which will help ensure that you get the most of magick. The pinned forum posts are a wonderful place to start. Good luck with everything, and I hope it goes well!

Comments are saying that you can't change your gender.... But can you possess other bodies? I think this spell CREATES a new body from scratch, which you then inhabit. That's totally legal!

Aug 04, 2019
You can't create something out of nothing, so even if that was what the spell was claiming, it isn't possible. A human body is created with great difficulty from a source. Magick cannot do this instantly, or at all. If someone wants/needs to change their gender identity then expression is where to start, a spell like this won't help as it won't give any results at all.

Feb 21, 2021
Sounds leagal

You cannot physically transform with magik. Unfortunately, this includes transitioning.

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