Look like foxy from fnaf

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Look like foxy from fnaf
This now I'll basicly give you red hair yellow eyes and sharp theth and a very small chance you will become an animatronic depending on moon cycle and season

Casting Instructions for 'Look like foxy from fnaf'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • Spring or summer
  • Full or new moon
  • Foxy plushie
  • Belife
  • A sample of DNA hair or (extremely dangerous) blood
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • Spring or summer
  • Full or new moon
  • Foxy plushie
  • Belife
  • A sample of DNA hair or (extremely dangerous) blood

Draw a ring of salt around you but the foxy plushie on the north side of the circle but the he strand of hair to the south of the circle (optional drip the blood on the foxy plushie for better chances of becoming a animatronic) then chant aloud 5x "I am tired of my body and whant change I want to look like foxy from five nights at Freddy's I want to become foxy please help me become foxy I beg of thee (shout this part) SO MOTE IT BE" 


Eye irritation

Gums hurting 

Hair slowly turning red

For increased chances of becoming a animatronic say everyday for a month takes 3 weks to a year for effects if it dose not happen into that time just keep trying and it will work tried it on myself and friend for me it took 4 months for friend 2 months also the animatronic form is not permanent you can stay in that form for up to 2 hours everyday bye!!!


Added to on Jul 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Yeah idk m8 it's been awhile since I posted it it basically works although something's seem to come down to genetics for instance my Irish friend got the red hair very quickly since the genes where already there me it took a bit longer not already having those genes so yeah it willtake longer for others

Jun 23, 2019
sorry, but this doesn't actually work. you cannot become Foxy from the video game for a number of reasons. one it isn't real, two magick doesn't contradict nature, so you can't become an animatronic, fox, or any physical transformation like eye/hair/teeth changes. any changes your friend may of seen with their hair was most likely genetic like you pointed out.

This will not work. Spells will not change your physical appearance.

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