Ointment of Breast Growth

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Ointment of Breast Growth
An ointment that encourages the growth of breasts.

Casting Instructions for 'Ointment of Breast Growth'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Linseed oil
  • Fenugreek essential oil
  • Beeswax pastilles
  • Stove
  • Pot
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Linseed oil
  • Fenugreek essential oil
  • Beeswax pastilles
  • Stove
  • Pot

This ointment is to be made when the Sun is in Cancer, ideally during the month of June. Take one cup of linseed oil and mix it with three tablespoons of beeswax pastilles. Put them in a small pot over a stove on very low heat. Stir and heat until the beeswax has completely melted. When it has, put in exactly forty-nine drops of fenugreek essential oil. Stir again for about seven minutes.

When this is done, remove the pot from the heat, pour the mixture into a container, and wait until cool. When you wish to use it, wait until an hour of Venus and rub it on your breasts. It should be applied multiple days in a row, ideally every Venusian hour in a row for a month, though this is unrealistic.


Additional Notes:

  • The sign of Cancer is associated with the breasts.
  • Intent is very necessary for this spell, both in preparing the ointment and applying it. Visualize your breasts growing, or else no effect will come to you.
  • Fenugreek is associated with fertility, as well as breast growth.
  • Linseed oil comes from flax seeds, which have many positive associations.
  • The number 49 is seven times seven. Seven is the number of Venus.


Added to on Oct 24, 2022
Last edited on Oct 24, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Absolutely not. This will not work. This could be altered to be a type of glamour or illusion spell, but you cannot physically change your breast size with Real Magik.

The ingredients are safe, and the associations are sound, however unfortunately the goal is where this loses its grounding. This would be a wonderful ointment to soften/moisturize the skin, and it may help heal stretch-marks over time, perhaps allowing smaller ones to fade completely. Possibly help larger, fresh marks to heal more completely/with less chance of becoming permanent fixtures. This would be better suited as a healing balm during/after pregnancy. Just don't use during the breast-feeding period, It would be inadvisable for an infant to ingest such oils from your skin.

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