Awakening Your Spirit

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Awakening Your Spirit
This spell is to simply awaken the energy within yourself.

Casting Instructions for 'Awakening Your Spirit'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • a quiet room
  • 3 candles (red,blue,green)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • a quiet room
  • 3 candles (red,blue,green)
Simply place the candles around yourself evenly. It should look somewhat or at least close to an equilateral triangle surrounding you. Once that is complete, light the candles clockwise.

Once that is done, sit yourself in the middle of the candles and focus your mind. Picture in your head nothing but velvety black, for about five minutes, and then chant the following:

''Spirits come forth, awaken my energy within''

Chant that three times, and blow each candle out in a clockwise motion.

The spell is complete.


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Part of the The Lin Kuei Library.


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Does it have to be those three colors or what if we only have 2 of the 3 colors?

This might help some people feel connected to their spirit, but I would argue daily meditation would also help you connect with your spirit. You do not need a spell to connect with your spirit, or to unlock your energy, just practice.

Sep 12, 2024
How long would you advise on mediating before comnecting with my spirit

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