Psycho Kinesis Pill to develope fully 100% In an hour or more

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Psycho Kinesis Pill to develope fully 100% In an hour or more
This is a RARE recipe to develope Psycho Kinesis in an hour or more! What is psychokinesis?: Able to move objects with your mind, but your not looking at the object, nor near it.

Casting Instructions for 'Psycho Kinesis Pill to develope fully 100% In an hour or more'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • in the last part of day
  • be a Sunday or Friday
  • sugar
  • alcohol
  • ice cubes
  • first psychic ability to develope
  • tea poon of salt and cheese
  • glass-cup
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • in the last part of day
  • be a Sunday or Friday
  • sugar
  • alcohol
  • ice cubes
  • first psychic ability to develope
  • tea poon of salt and cheese
  • glass-cup
it must be a sunday or a friday to do this spell*
spread the ice cubes in a circle in a freezer.

sprinkle 2 tea spoon of sugar in ice cubes.

take tea spoon of salt and cheese.

Eat them.

mix up the alcohol in the rest of the sugar and put it in the glass.

stir the the recipe aroung in the cup.

add the ice cubes, then drink all of it, and goto sleep. (for extra power of magick)

-By ExxFruit34



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This does not work.

Sorry, but i already test it in mental projection, examine it's step and i know it does not works. now could you tell me why should we dont use other inqredient , why should cheese? why should place in refrigerator?

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