Healthy Living

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Healthy Living
Spell for personal health and well being.

Casting Instructions for 'Healthy Living'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • One candle (blue/green)
  • 8-12 oz *glass* of water
  • Sea salt (optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • One candle (blue/green)
  • 8-12 oz *glass* of water
  • Sea salt (optional)

Cast this spell in the morning when you wake up, as pure as you can,that means no cigarettes or coffee before the spell.

Light the candle and fill the glass, grate sea-salt into the glass of water (optional). Place the candle and glass side by side, put your hands over the glass and begin to chant:

"This is the spell that we intone, flesh to flesh and bone to bone.
Sinew to sinew and vein to vein and each one shall be whole again."

Repeat that whilst increasing the volume of your voice until you feel you have done enough for the spell to work. When ou are ready, drink the water & blow out the candle.

Silently repeat this chant every day,and drink lots of water.


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Last edited on Aug 18, 2016
Part of the Magical Beings Working Alone Library.


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This does not work. While lighting a candle and saying this chant might set your intention, drinking salt water will have the opposite effect of ''healthy living.'' Light a candle, say the chant, then create a healthy lifestyle plan.

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