Physically Change Body

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Physically Change Body
Change your body to a desired body type.

Casting Instructions for 'Physically Change Body'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Mirror
  • Piece Of Paper
  • Voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Mirror
  • Piece Of Paper
  • Voice

Visualize your body and how you desire for it to look. Then, find a piece of paper and draw your desired body type on it. Hold the picture in front of a mirror, so that you can see both the drawing and yourself. Chant:

"My body isn't desirable- it is not attractive. I wish for my body to change to this".

Chant that ten times in a row for three days, each day focusing on the visualization of what you want your body to look like. You should start to see small changes as you do so.


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Last edited on Jul 27, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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what if I cant draw? Can I use an example pic? Also I dont think Im unattractive, I just want a tail

Mar 27, 2019
Physical shapeshifting is impossible, sorry. However, you could look into shifting on the astral plane, and there are quite nice faux tails that are produced, if you want to invest in one of those.

I’m gonna try this

Jun 28, 2019
Did you try it, if so how did it go, as I want to try this

I will do this. I will see if changes have occurred in 30 days.

Jan 28, 2020
Did they

You cannot physically transform, especially not with a chant.

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