Gender Swap

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Gender Swap
Change your gender in a flash.

Casting Instructions for 'Gender Swap'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A pink candle
  • Women's clothing
  • Wig
  • Powder
  • A blue candle
  • Men's clothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A pink candle
  • Women's clothing
  • Wig
  • Powder
  • A blue candle
  • Men's clothing

To turn from a guy into a girl, first rub the powder on your skin till your skin becomes silky soft. Then, put on the clothes and wig. Lastly, light the candle and chant these words: "I wish to be free. I wish to be what I want to be. Give me long hair, give beauty, give me grace. Allow me to lose what I don't want and gain the stuff a womans got. Give a voice like a baby bird and make it beautiful like nothing thats ever been heard".

To turn from a girl into a guy, put on the men's clothing, light the candle and chant: "I wish to be free. I wish to be what I want to be. Give me a short hair, and a body with muscles that flair. Give me a handsome face and remove my womanly grace. Let me lose what I don't want, and gain the stuff a man has got. Deepen my voice and give me strength. Help me reach that special place".


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Last edited on Aug 09, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Wig and men's clothing...hmmmm....does this mean I can crossdress? :D But really, I don't think it's possible to change genders with magic. Don't you have to go to a special surgeon for that?

Sep 13, 2019
You are correct, physically you cannot change your gender. You might be able to on another plane of existence [say the astral plane] or cast an illusion spell that would make you appear more feminine/masculine to others, but you cannot physically change genders

You cannot change your gender with magik. You can dress however you feel most comfortable, cast spells to help you receive the help you need, but no spell will change your physical self.

This could help a transgender person pass :D

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