A Powder Wish
This is an ancient recipe for wish powder that was used in voodoo.
Casting Instructions for 'A Powder Wish'
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Eggshells
- Cloves
- Dried Rosemary
- Pepper
- Salt
- Sugar
- An orange and green candle
- Most be done on a full moon
Candle Colors
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on Dec 29, 2017
Last edited on Aug 04, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Aug 04, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
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i don't work with vodou, but i have come across spells with a lot of these items in the past that work really well. i might add an item to personalize the wish [say a ring for love, or a coin for money] but it sounds like a good spell to try.
Is there any forgive me spells so your ex can forgive what I did?she loves me did the sirens seduction spell it worked or is working now I just need a forgive me or can I use this power wish to wish for forgiveness?
Sounds obvious, but are you sorry? Are you putting in the effort to change, grow, and make amends for your indiscretion? Also, painful as this sounds, she doesn't owe you an apology. Some things simply take time, some things are harder to forgive and get past, but if you're not trying to fix the problem, no spell will fix it. That said, I would create your own spell. Take a white candle and write a letter to your lover, explain why you did it, how sorry you are, and how you will change [I'm sorry i took your car when you said no, it was a violation of your trust, I will never take your car again, you deserve honesty and trust, I will never go behind your back again because you deserve a partner you can trust] Then burn the letter and work on healing your relationship. Sometimes, if someone tells you to drop something, you should. pushing a topic could make it worse. Ask her what she wants and hopefully, you can do that for them.
Honestly I did change the problem and am trying to show her but she doesnt want to believe me anymore I am really trying and have changed and noticed what I did wrong
Sorry to say stop, but if she has turned away, give her time. She might return one day, she might not, but the best thing for both of you is to take a step back.
I want to try this spell to get my old job back. I made a bad decision of moving from one department to another. Both departments are under the same boss. I content the boss who has currently taken my place to get fired either. He has been with the company for 17 yrs and only has 4 yrs to retire. Is there a spell I can do that can make the company add another spot. Instead of taking his job, my job back, I could be his assistant manager. They do not have this position. Can I cast a spell to be the assistant Manager in EVS?
Sometimes while spell work can aid us, real life working to obtain a goal can be done much quicker, more efficiently, and more effectively.
In this instance I feel it is better that if your company has a suggestion box to utilize it. If company suggestions are not openly advertised for than perhaps suggesting this to one of the bosses and see what they say may show creativity on your part, and will give you a better idea as to their thoughts on opening up such a position within the company.
Perhaps the wish spell can then be freed up to use for blessings for the individual whose' job is at risk.
That said sometimes we just need to take responsibility for our actions and own them. You made a mistake. It may be simply best for yourself to continue working under the new position. Try and practice gratitude. Your company let you have a decision in moving to a different department. There are many places globally whom do not so much as give their employees a second look, let alone let them make such decisions.
hey i want to try this out, but i dont have rosemaries, is it necessary to use? and candles? or will it not work?
Since this spell is associated with voodoo, you want to use all of the listed ingredients. Voodoo is a powerful form of magick. If you end up doing something wrong it can backfire and possibly do something horrible to the one casting the spell. It would be much better if you use all of the ingredients.
Cloves: used to open bodily energy pathways for reception
Rosemary: purification of the body for the wish
Pepper: banishing & prevention of negative forces during wish
Salt: prevention of negative forces during wish
Sugar: used to attract the energies of the wish
Orange candle: a candle of creation that conduits the wish from the spirit realm to the physical
Green candle: a candle that causes the wish to ''grow'' (birthing from the spirit realm to the physical)
Moon phase:
Full: honors the creation of something; ''what has become''; welcomes the wish into the physical realm from the spiritmanifesting it.
What is the purpose of the egg-shells? This is where my analysis differs from commonly accepted theory: egg-shells (''Cascarilla'') have, ''the protective nature of
which protects an embryo as it develops is embodied in the powder when it is used for protective magick. But the protective nature of cascarilla seems to come primarily from its banishing qualities. It seems that negative energy cannot exist in the presence of enough cascarilla and spirit beings find it repulsive. Thus, a line of cascarilla acts as a barrier to the entrance of spirits and harmful or destructive energies.'' Those are made of essentially the same thing as limestonea known energy-nullification absorbent stone which may be used instead and if it is enchanted it may or may not outperform the Cascarilla. One can also do the LBRP in place of orpreferably in addition tothe usage of either of these ingredients. It is important that the methods chosen are careful to only banish *negative* energies, lest the risk is run of banishing the energies of the wish! Finally, simply saying the wish and then, ''so mote it be'' will result in a resounding nothing. It is important to iterate that as the wish is being said, it should be visualized as occurring within your mind as clearly as you can see the powder in your handthe next important thing is to visualize that wish going into the powder before it is blown (figuratively, as a stream of energy). Once done, saying ''so mote it be'' should be, ''As is above, so is below, as I will it, so mote it be!'' You are calling from the spirit realm ''above'' (the ''real'' world) and pulling the wish from it into what is ''below'' that realmthat is this physical realm. You are the one willing it into existence and you are claiming this with your words. Then the final, ''so mote it be'' is a final affirmation of the fulfillment of the desire; ''amen'' has the same meaning.
Review: 4/5 stars; good info.!
Should I assume that any salt, sugar, and pepper can be used?
You can research the types to see if the energy works best for your spell [hymalayan has different properties than table or sea salt for example] but any should work.
I am not trained in Voodoo/Vodou/Hoodoo, however, the items listed work better as a protection or cleansing, not wish. Unlike European Witchcraft, Voodoo calls on spirits associated with these items. If you are not studying Voodoo, meaning you are an apprentice to a priest/priestess, do not cast Voodoo spells. Voodoo is a closed practice and calling on spirits you do not know how to work with can get you in trouble. It is wiser to purchase items from a Priest/Priestess. They create the item and will tell you how to use it correctly.
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