Aphrodite's Love Charm
This spell is to rebound a Lover's emotions towards you. You will charm an object of your choice, guaranteed to direct the person you're in love with towards you.
You will need the following items for this spell:
- A necklace/bracelet/watch/ object your target would wear/usually keep on them.
- 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
- 1 Red Rose
- 1 Drop of your own blood.
- (Preferably Small) Late Photograph of Target. It can be as simple as being printed out on a sheet of paper.
- 3 Red/Pink Candles. They can be a mixture of those Colours.
- Small Mantle (If you do not have a perfect one, no worries. You can place a Cloth on a Coffee Tale for Replacement.)
- Privacy. You Must be completely Alone.
- An Offering For the Goddess.
- A plastic bowl.
Casting Instructions for 'Aphrodite's Love Charm'
Candle Colors
Enhance Your Love Life
Ritual Kit

Enhance Your Love Life
Ritual Kit

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Take a few deep breaths. Holding the rose up in front of you, use one of the thorns to poke your right index finger. Make sure the drop of blood lands over the front side of the photograph.
Hold the photograph and the object you chose up above the offering, each item in one hand. Eyes shut, chant:
''O Goddess Aphrodite,
here I have made a sacrifice,
For the one I fancy.
Let them fall in deep, endless love with me.
I beg you, use this item of my choice,
To let them understand their feelings.
Take this offer, as I insist,
As they put it this (item) upon their skin,
Their eyes will open.
O, the beautiful Goddess of Affection,
This is my Plea.
With every single drop of my desire,
Make my wish come true.
Thank you for your help, So mote it be.''
After the Chant, remain still for a few more seconds. Do not open your eyes. Put all of your belief into every word, and once you feel extremely aware and confident of your choice, open your eyes. It is very important that you follow this step correctly.
Carefully place the object on you, in the same form it's going to be on your Lover. This is a mark of connection, as he/she will feel the same power of love that you do.
Use the extract to pour it on the center candle, putting it out.
Use one pf the remaining candles to light the photograph on fire. As you hold it over the bowl, give a final Thank You to Aphrodite. Imagine your feelings being intertwined with the photo, and feel the fury, anguish, and despair of not being with them burn away into ashes, as they will be all yours.
Once finished, extinguish the remaining candles and take the bowl of ashes outside. Find a good place of soil, and dig a small hole. Dispose of the ashes there.
The very next day, personally give the item to your target and tell them what to do with it (What you had done with it; where you have put it).
If you feel you want to reverse the spell, Find the place where you buried the ashes. They will most likely have eroded away, but pour Salt water over the patch.
This spell has a very high chance of functioning. Message me if there are any strange happenings, or if you cannot get the spell to work.
Icorist00 has been a member of the site for 9 years, since May 02, 2016
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on May 14, 2016
Last edited on May 05, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on May 05, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
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