Mind persuasion/manipulation
This spell is not exactly mind control, but a spell to convince someone's mind to do something. It will put the idea in their head, and if it is already there, enhance it. No matter their opinions/preferences, this spell will change their mind. It can even change someone's emotions, hates, loves, sexuality, mind-set, etc. It cannot change something the person was born with/they have completely no choice with, such as a mental disease/disorder. This will start working straight away and may take up to a week for any specified action to be taken. This spell is probably dark magic.
Casting Instructions for 'Mind persuasion/manipulation'
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Piece of paper (blank or lined)
- Pen/pencil (rubber if needed)
- An item that could represent what you want the person to do (unless it is impossible to represent)
- A voice
- Belief in this spell
- Determination that the spell will work and a strong will for it to work
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Piece of paper (blank or lined)
- Pen/pencil (rubber if needed)
- An item that could represent what you want the person to do (unless it is impossible to represent)
- A voice
- Belief in this spell
- Determination that the spell will work and a strong will for it to work
2. Write what you want to happen. If it makes sense to you and the person, then it will work. Make sure you include their first and second name (middle names optional). Make sure you put ''I will for'' first. At the end, you could put ''this is my will, mote it be.'' but it is optional. For example:
''I will for (full name) to (what you want them to do). This is my will, mote it be.''
3. Fold the paper (doesn't have to be neat) and put the item in the middle of it. Close your eyes and bring the ''package'' to your lips and whisper the person's (full, but no middle names needed) name into it.
4. Put it under your pillow and keep it there for 1-3 days. You can keep it there longer, which may or may not help the spell. Once it seems to have worked, do anything you want with it.
Lokitty1 has been a member of the site for 9 years, since Nov 17, 2015
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on Mar 28, 2017
Last edited on Dec 05, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Dec 05, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
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Can I put this inside the pillowcase so as to hide it better?
Can i use their name if I don't have anything that belongs to them?
name works. Visualize them as best as you can, or have something that represents them [a picture of the person. If you don't have a picture, you could go with their favourite anime, sport, colour, so on]
Ive just gotten into magick, and have come across a lot of fake spells on this website, I would like to be sure, is this spell real?
Personally, I don't believe in telepathy, so I would say no, but there are ways to influence people with magick [I've used it a few times] it isn't as if you say something and they repeat it in a monotone way. It's more you send your intention out, say ''notice me,'' and they may go about their day and their mind goes ''oh, there's Webvix, I should say hi'' this doesn't guarantee they will act on the influence, but over time they might.
Can I cast this on myself?
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