A spell to protect your Book of Shadows from unwanted energy and use.
Casting Instructions for 'Sheilding your Book of Shadows'
You will need the following items for this spell:
Red Candle
White Candle
Black Candle(Powerful Curse Only)
You will need the following items for this spell:
Red Candle
White Candle
Black Candle(Powerful Curse Only)
This spell will take roughly 1 hour. Make sure it is impossible that you will be interrupted. If you are, multiple "bad" things could happen. Ground for as long as necessary. Get all of you energy out. Cast a shield around you. This should prevent everything from entering, not just negative energy. Cast the circle. Do not call the elements or the gods. The gods will be called later.
Place the Book of Shadows in the middle of your circle. Kneel next to it. Light both the red and the white candle. Say out loud: "I call upon the goddess for her wisdom is required for the bliss of protection of my book. I call upon the god for the force of protection. I call upon both powers to combine to create wise force to protect my Book of Shadows".
Put your hands roughly 3 inches away from the top of your book. Think of a energy shield surrounding it. Think of it repelling negative energy. If wanted, you can place a protection spell on your book. This includes a curse, and depending on the power, it may or may not remove your pure white magic for a few months. To start speak: "I wish to further protect my Book. I cast a curse to activate when someone finds this book and decides they want to read. May this curse be inflicted on thee". As you say that, think of the curse you wish to inflict being done to anyone. Use a stick figure, or your enemy, or whatever.
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