The Crossing Banishment

SpellsLove  ► Peace  ► The Crossing Banishment
A potent spell to pass over a spirit and put it to rest.

Casting Instructions for 'The Crossing Banishment'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Waning Moon
  • A bowl of BLACK SALT
  • a bowl of SEA SALT
  • a bowl of MOON WATER
  • BAY
  • RUE
  • SAGE
  • Banishing Oil
  • Amethyst
  • 3 Black Candles
  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Red Candle
  • Athame/ Wand
  • Cauldron
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Waning Moon
  • A bowl of BLACK SALT
  • a bowl of SEA SALT
  • a bowl of MOON WATER
  • BAY
  • RUE
  • SAGE
  • Banishing Oil
  • Amethyst
  • 3 Black Candles
  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Red Candle
  • Athame/ Wand
  • Cauldron

Begin at night, during the waning moon. 

Cast your circle invoking the elements and your chosen deities.

Use the SEA SALT to make a pentagram big enough for you to sit in the center. 

Place the BLACK CANDLES at the top point, the bottom right, and the far left. 

Place the WHITE CANDLE in the far right point.

Place the RED CANDLE in the bottom left point.

Place the bowl of BLACK SALT just outside your circle in front of you. 

Place the MOON WATER on the left of the black salt.

Anoint your candles with the BANISHING OIL and light them, starting with the far left (west) and ending with the front (north.)

Close your eyes and say:

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
May the wind blow you, wandering soul"

Crush the BAY, CLOVE, SAGE, GARLIC, ST. JOHN'S WORT, RUE, ROSEMARY in your hand and drop them into the cauldron as you say:

"Leave this world of living
Take your pain, and your fear
You do not belong here.

Place the AMETHYST into the cauldron, pour some of the moon water over it, along with a pinch of black salt. 

Close your eyes and focus on the entity.

Pick up your WAND/ ATHAME and guide the spirit to it. If you need help you may place a finger into the cauldron and touch the Amethyst and use some of its energy.

You should feel the spirit touch your Wand/ Athame. Once you do dip your tool into the bowl of Moon Water outside of your circle and say:

"Leave this world
With a blessing, farewell."

Move your tool to the black salt and say:

"I banish thee, So mote it be."

Open your circle, take the cauldron and flick the water into the corners of the room in the same order you invoked your elements when casting your circle.

Let the candles burn out if possible. If not, say the last incantation again as you put out each of the candles. 


Added to on Feb 05, 2025
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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