Eye of Truth

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SpellsLove  ► Truth  ► Eye of Truth
With this spell no one will be able to lie or hide secrets from you.

Casting Instructions for 'Eye of Truth'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Stone
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Stone

Hold the stone in your hand and chant: "Stone of truth you see all, tell me whut I need to know. No lies or secrets shall be kept from me. This is my will so mote it be".



Added to on Oct 19, 2012
Last edited on Apr 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Sick spell

Apr 03, 2019
what do you mean?

Apr 20, 2019
what do you mean sick spell?

May 07, 2019
He memes ''cool spell'' I believe

May 07, 2019

Can it be any type of stone?

Do you have to hold the stone to see if someone tells the truth will it light up??? I'm so confused

Has it worked on anybody

May 28, 2019
Worked for me so far

Dec 14, 2020
how do you know it has worked?

does it means seeing past lies.

I had felt a strange feeling while chanting, like my energy was going into the stone. Does that mean it’s working?

Oct 15, 2019
yes it has work whith me and you have not bean a boy at all

May 11, 2021
Good_vibes ????

What kind of stone does this require? One that is special of memory handed down perhaps? One of a specific kind? Or just an ordinary one? Can it be man made?

Also I would like to add... how do you disenchant the spell, or is that not necessary?

can it have paint on it?

Jun 30, 2021
It depends on the energy the painter had when they painted it- but as long as you cleanse the stones energy before the spell, it should work fine.

I felt a tingling sensation in my hand where my stone was.

Apr 10, 2020
You charged energy, a warm tingling sensation is the common way most describe magick energy.

Can this be any stone?

May 06, 2020
Yes let is there a specific stone needed or any stone will work

Is it meant to light up or something?

Well i tried it had not effect on me i tried holding a stone and chant the first time felt nothing and i tired chant 3 time still don seem to be able to work on me haha.

Oct 24, 2024
i think you would have to chant in more than 3 times because chanting is basically converting energy to power.

How many times do we need to chant?? And wat to do with stone after we r done?

How do you know when it works?

Jul 15, 2021
He have you got any results after the spell

Hey my eyes is feeling in weird after doing this spell dose that mean ?

Jul 15, 2021
Could be a placebo, but it could also be a sign you will see clearly soon. Think about the spell. How did you feel during it? Sometimes, the best person to give you an answer is yourself. Be observant and take note of anything you feel stands out.

my hand felt static knda tingly

my hand felt static knda tingly

I’m inspired to do this with an obsidian arrowhead that is with me at all times, will it tell me if there’s dishonesty or will people be inclined to be truthful instead?

Im new to this sorta thing but i felt a small warmth in my hand after saying it a few times but I don't know if its a sign or not

Lapis lazuli stone ok to use?

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