Inner Beauty

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SpellsLove  ► Truth  ► Inner Beauty
Become more attractive to any gender of your choice from what your heart is.

Casting Instructions for 'Inner Beauty'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • Mind
  • Necklace
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • Mind
  • Necklace

Take a necklace, any one will do. Set it down on a table or the floor. Make a heart with your hands around the necklace and say this (The louder you speak the more attractive you will become):


"Necklace I have in my possession, I wish for you to change. Hold a power inside that will make me one of a kind. Turn me into beauty, that everyone else will see, make them gaze upon the true beauty I carry within."


Then put on the necklace and watch as people start to crush on you more often.

This worked if:
- Men/Woman seem more attracted
- Your crush starts talking to you
- You are being more noticed
- More people want to hang out with you

And remember, you may look more pretty to some people, but the true beauty lies inside yourself, so show your inner beauty while people are starting to like you.


Added to on Nov 18, 2015
Last edited on Jul 19, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I am gonna try this.

This can work by making your ''flaws'' less noticeable and having your inner beauty shine through, just be sure to include some real world effort as well [work to improve what you feel isn't beautiful about you, as well as work on your confidence]

What happens if your inner beauty isn't that great?

Sep 18, 2019
Don't that. People who can look within and go ''I'm lacking inner beauty'' aren't lost. Your inner beauty is things like your kindness, your wit, the things that make you a special little snowflake. If you look within and see slushy mud instead of a shiny snowflake, you can change. Be honest with yourself, journal, ask yourself what you like and don't like about yourself [do not go with physical attributes, go with your personality, you love how you can remember things word for word, but hate when you gossip. Work to stop gossiping] this spell will project who you are out to people, so if you don't like aspects of yourself, work to change it [you may need to speak with a therapist if you're constantly putting yourself down however]

Will this spell work on me even if I'm a big sized lady?

Sep 19, 2019
Yes. Though I would work on your confidence and accepting yourself [you're talking to someone who is plus size] the spell should help you present a certain way to people, so if you're focusing on things you consider negative about yourself, that may come out. Focus on your positive qualities while casting this, then work on improving the things you deem negative

im scared

Apr 16, 2022

I hope this works

I tried this but there was no change to the necklace itself. I followed every step correctly, but I'm not sure if it worked because in the chant it says i wish for you to change to the necklace, i am guessing as it s in the context that shows you are speaking to the necklace.

May 07, 2022
The necklace wouldn't have any physical changes [magick in reality doesn't make things glow, sparkle, or change like seen in movies] If you can sense energy, you should feel the energy inside the necklace [it could feel warm, you might feel a pulse] but overall, the necklace will look the same as it did before the spell. You've trapped the energy of the spell in the necklace and the energy will enchant your natural energy so others see you different [these types of spells work better with strangers and aquatances over friends and family because they don't interact with you daily]

Would doing this spell decrease my chances of getting bullied so often?

May 28, 2023
I would look for protection spell instead. You can have an enchanted item or a sigil that can protect you.

It didn't do anything to me it just made me hate myself even more.

this pray could be better. Dear God. You are everything. Hold a power inside that will make me one of a kind. Turn me into beauty, that everyone else will see, make them gaze upon the true beauty I carry within.''

This will not work in the sense that you will instantly become ''hot'' or ''super attractive'' but it can work in the sense that your inner self will come out and people will be able to see the true you. That is what they would be attracted to. If you clicked on this spell there is a good chance that you lack confidence so maybe try incorporating more self-love into your life and improve yourself in areas which you lack.

While you can enchant a necklace to attract a certain energy into your life, this specific spell will not work as outlined. The chant is clunky. You are not charging any Magikal energy. You are not utilizing any items with beauty energy to enhance the spell, nor are you doing anything to enhance your beauty. Enchanting a necklace to create an illusion, hide flaws, or make your inner beauty more visible, can work, but that is step one. Enchanting your face wash and infusing your daily beauty routine would work better than enchanting a necklace.

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