Use the blue pen to write the name of the person you wish to persuade on the paper, then draw a pentagram next to the name.
Turn the paper over and write what you want to persuade the person to do with the red pen.
Fold the paper in half twice and hold it over your heart with your left hand. With your right hand hold something that belongs to the person your trying to persuade.
''Ancient God and Goddess i call upon thee
To allow (Name of the Person your trying to persuade) heart and mind to soften towards me
Not to do what i command
but to loosen the grain of sand
so may it be.''
Sleep with the paper under your pillow and repeat the incantation when you wake up.
Casting Instructions for 'persuasion spell'
You will need the following items for this spell:
1 Red pen
1 Blue pen
1 Sheet of paper
something that belongs to the person your trying to persuade ( a word they wrote, a piece of jewelry)
You will need the following items for this spell:
1 Red pen
1 Blue pen
1 Sheet of paper
something that belongs to the person your trying to persuade ( a word they wrote, a piece of jewelry)
How to cast the persuasion spell:
Use the blue pen to write the name of the person you wish to persuade on the paper, then draw a pentagram next to the name.
Turn the paper over and write what you want to persuade the person to do with the red pen.
Fold the paper in half twice and hold it over your heart with your left hand. With your right hand hold something that belongs to the person your trying to persuade.
''Ancient God and Goddess i call upon thee
To allow (Name of the Person your trying to persuade) heart and mind to soften towards me
Not to do what i command
but to loosen the grain of sand
so may it be.''
Sleep with the paper under your pillow and repeat the incantation when you wake up.
You might wish to specify the deities [also, be sure you work with them first] The spell could work in theory, try it and see, be sure to focus and visualize.
Hello, this is kind of unrelated but I've seen you a lot and was wondering if you knew anything about seers? My partner is most likely one and I know nothing about them so I was hoping you would have some information on seers. They have I guess visions is what you would call them about people like dying and I want to help in any way I can you know? I don't even know if seers are real or if they were made up but that's the best way I can describe it. Anyway, if you do please let me know, if not you can just ignore this.
Just a warning, going off-topic in a response/forum is considered against site rules. In future, you can just mail the person directly [click on the username, and you should see a ''Mail'' option between the profile and photos tabs]
As for your question, I've never really heard of ''Seers'' [like I've heard the word used in certain historical contexts, but I've never met anyone who uses that title] From your brief description, it sounds like psychic abilities or a type of mediumship. How do these visions manifest? This could help narrow down the type of psychic ability we're talking about [clairvoyant, prophetic dreams, clairsentient, clairaudient, so on] Knowing exactly how these visions manifest could help narrow down the type of exercises they can use. Off the top of my head, journaling, meditation, and energy work [balancing their chakra's specifically since an overactive third eye could be the issue, it could also be the upper chakras are open while the lower chakras are closed and the energy needs to flow evenly] are the top things that come to mind. If these are dreams, dream work could help too. Crystals, aromatherapy and herbs can also help.
What can you use if the person is far away and you dont have anything physical of theirs? Can you use a photo instead? The person I'm doing this on is on the east coast and I'm in the midwest.
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