Wolf 20

SpellsLuck  ► Wish  ► Wolf 20
A simple spell to turn you into a wolf.

Casting Instructions for 'Wolf 20'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

"Goddess of the moon let me have the form of a wolf. I want ( color of eyes) eyes and ( color of fur) fur. Please goddess of the moon grant my wish"


Added to on Jan 14, 2015
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically transform into a wolf.

What’s the point of this website if your just going to tell people their spells are fake or won’t work

Feb 14, 2020
You do not know how real Magic works, do you? It is a natural energy that does not contradict nature. It only effects energy to attract a desired natural change. Physical transformation is not real. It does not happen naturally, ergo this does not work. If you wish to find a working spell, I can steer you in the right direction, specifically away from the ''Fantasy'' section. Fantasy should be a major clue to if these spells work. I choose to point out which ones do not work to help people avoid wasting their time on nonsense.

Feb 15, 2020
Ok that makes sense I just think people should be let to believe what they want to believe

Feb 15, 2020
I’m not saying I think these spells aren’t fake

Feb 16, 2020
So you know these spells are fake, but you want them to exist because someone might believe in it and their feels would be hurt if they were taken away? By that logic, we should let people believe vaccines are dangerous because their feeling might be hurt by all this evidence against their belief. Let me ask you a question, why is their belief worth more than mine? I am not saying I have more right to my faith, but these spells undermine my religion and are insulting towards my faith. My entire life, whenever I told someone I was a witch I was laughed at, I was told Magic is not real, that Harry Potter is just a book/movie, or, my favourite, I'm going to hell. Spells like this give people who think my faith is a joke fuel. They can point and go ''see? you think you can become a werewolf with magic.'' When I know it is not possible. When any practicing pagan can tell you it does not work like that. Yet, when I comment on these spells as a way to bring logic to them, to explain why they do not work, to steer people away from wasting their time, I am the bad guy for ''not respecting someones belief'' So kindly explain why nonsense gets a pass, but logic is ''mean''?

And I would love for you to point me to spells that work

Feb 16, 2020
What exactly would you like to do? Magic is a force of nature. Connect with this natural energy and you can bring desired change into your life. A very simple one you can do is, get into a relaxed state of mind, gently rub your hands together slowly. Carefully pull them apart and cup them as if you're holding a ball. As you sit their, imagine a glowing orb between your hands, as you move your hands together, this orb gets smaller, move your hands apart, bigger. You should feel a slight push against the palms of your hand, a tingling in your hands, and a warm in your hands/upper arms. That is Magic. If you can focus it, you can cast spells. Use this ball of energy you charge objects and cast spells. I will message you with a couple links.

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