Djinn from Lilith
Anyone wish to summon a Djinn here is how, step by step, you will need a quiet room, this spell can't be modified, you will need all ingredients listed.
You will need the following items for this spell:
- x4 White Candle.
- x4 Red Candle.
- x4 Black Candle [all candles must be unscented].
- x1 A Sliver Mirror [normal mirror].
- x1 A Black Lipstick.
- x1 Succubus or Incubus.
- Incense: x4 Sticks plus one made from Black Arts Powder.
- A measuring tape or ruler.
- A compass.
Casting Instructions for 'Djinn from Lilith'
Candle Colors
Ritual Kit

Ritual Kit
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This spell [Djinn from Lilith] can't be modified as it was given to me by Princess Saaraji Lilith.
Princess Saaraji Lilith is the daughter of Lilith and Saaraji is also a priestess. Who is Saaraji to me? she is my supernatural guide and supernatural wife.
This spell works best at full moon but can be done at any moon phase.
You have to pick the sex of your Djinn it can be female or male, Jaanucubi (male) or Jeenucubi (female) pick the same as your Succubus or Incubus.
1. In a quiet room where you'll do your spells, burn the Black Arts Powder incense sticks, leave the room without breathing in the smoke or air note Black Arts Powder when burned it's really strong people burn them outside so remember to close the door behind you when you leave the room, once the incense has burned out allow 1 hour than enter the room after 12am.
Sit facing North [don't light] place your candles in a straight line on the floor, 6 inches from each other, in this order white, red, black
(on left side white and black on right side) remember straight line of candle should be 3 feet/foot away from the center.
Sit facing East [don't light] place your candles in a straight line on the floor, 6 inches from each other, in this order black, red, white
(on left side black and white on right side) remember straight line of candle should be 3 feet/foot away from the center.
Sit facing South [don't light] place your candles in a straight line on the floor, 6 inches from each other, in this order red, white, black
(on left side red and black on right side) remember straight line of candle should be 3 feet/foot away from the center.
Sit facing West [don't light] place your candles in a straight line on the floor, 6 inches from each other, in this order white, black, red
(on left side white and red on right side) remember straight line of candle should be 3 feet/foot away from the center.
2. Off the main light in the room and sit in the center of the candles facing north, now that you are sitting in the dark room, relax your body and quiet your thoughts, keep your body relaxed and your thoughts quiet for 20 minutes, now light your light starting from the north white candle followed by red than black than east black, red, white than south red, white, black and west white, black, red sit back in the center facing north now burn 2 incense sticks place it infront of you bewteen you and the white candle.
3. Relax your body and quiet your thoughts again, keeping your body totally relaxed and your thoughts quiet and chanting ''I call upon Goddess Lilith, Mother of Darkness, I call upon Goddess Lilith, Mother of Darkness, my Protector and my Defender, O Great Mother Lilith hear my call hear my cry O Graceful One'' for 20 minutes.
4. After 20 minutes of chanting burn 2 more incense sticks and place it infront of you bewteen you and the black candle.
5. Keeping your body relaxed and your thoughts quiet you will write using the black lipstick on the mirror
''I summon hell upon me, I summon La-Lilith, I summon Jaanucubi or Jeenucubi (write one not both) I offer to Jaanucubi or Jeenucubi (write one not both) 10% of my soul in return you accept me as your master''
6. After writing all that place the mirror on the floor and blow out the red candle on west side than red one on south side and east, north now the black one start west, south, east and north than say ''I have called upon you Goddess Lilith, Mother of Darkness, my Protector and my Defender, O Great Mother Lilith thank you for hearing my call you are surely the Graceful One'' than blow out white candle going from north, east, south and west.
7. Bury the mirror and wait for the Djinn to call you this take time.
LilithLover has been a member of the site for 12 years, since Dec 28, 2012
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The feminist icon the Christian Church and the Bible were too patriarchal to include. Hail Lilith !
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