Binding Spells
Top Binding Spells |
Apollos Salt
A simple spell to ward away negativity and unwanted entities, people, or both, from your home. Simple to perform, with ingredients you probably already have on hand!
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Even more great spells.....
- Banishing Incense ►
- Banishing Souls ►
- Becoming a Druid ►
- Binding ►
- Binding ►
- Binding a souls ►
- Binding an Undead ►
- Binding someone to Bad Things ►
- Blocking spell ►
- Cat Familiar ►
- Conection neclace ►
- Creating A Coven ►
- Element Pact ►
- End Your Oppressor ►
- Evil Eye Curse ►
- Freezer ►
Binding spells are used to bind (or hold) things. The usual reason for this is to bind a person or spirit to prevent it from doing damage to yourself, someone else, or itself.
Care must be taken when binding spirits since they will almost always bind to the caster, and you must have a plan for it after it is bound. However, if you are skilled enough to cast a binding spell you will also be skilled enough to handle any bound spirits.
More Free Binding Spells
- General Binding Spell ►
- Javna Vanquishing Spell ►
- Light Demonic Blessing ►
- Lost Door ►
- Magick Black Cord Binding ►
- Magick Book Blessing ►
- Make Two Enemies Fall in Love ►
- Managing Negative Habits ►
- Mind Searching ►
- Mine All Mine ►
- Mirror Trap ►
- Negativity Away ►
- Remove spiritual seal ►
- Resolving Unfair Treatment ►
- Rhyming Spells ►
- Seal of Protection ►
- Soul Door ►
- Starting a New ►
- Stop It ►
- The 13th Night Binding Spell ►
- Trap A Spirit ►
- Unbinding ►
- Voodoo Rock Curse ►
- A Binding Curse ►
- A Binding Spell ►
- A Curse From Loki ►
- A Simple Binding Ritual ►
- A spell to create a coven ►
- Already Lovers Spell ►
- Animal Friendship ►
- Astral Binding ►
- Awakening Your Spirit ►
- Become More Negative ►
- Becoming One with the Shadows ►
- Bind a Mortal From Doing Harm ►
- Bind a Wind ►
- Bind Bullies ►
- Bind Evil ►
- Binding ►
- Binding ►
- Binding ►
- Binding a Familiar ►
- Binding Spell ►
- Binding the Old Love ►
- Blood ring ►
- Bound in Ice ►
- Break up Candle Spell ►
- Cat and Own Bond Spell ►
- Chant of Banishing ►
- Come Back To Me ►
- Commitment Spell ►
- Complete Banishing ritual ►
- Connect with an Element ►
- Cut of tongue ►
- Demonic Fusion ►
- Djinn from Lilith ►
- Earth Energy Linking ►
- Embodiment of a Random Sin ►
- Enchanting Book of Shadows ►
- Energy Binding ►
- Fused Oil ►
- Get Rid of an Enemy ►
- Get Rid of Unwanted Guests ►
- Golem Eyes ►
- Hunter's Curse Enchantment ►
- Invoke the Power of Three ►
- Karanina's ►
- Knot a Spell ►
- Lacrymosa ►
- Latin Necromancy Spell ►
- Life of Fear ►
- Love Binding ►
- Mirror Binding ►
- Monthly Spell Binder ►
- Mood Transfiguration Spell. ►
- New Home Blessing ►
- Parent Kindness Potion ►
- Possess An Enemy ►
- Repulsion spell ►
- Runic Love Spell ►
- Sheilding your Book of Shadows ►
- Simple Bind Spell ►
- Sorrow to Happiness ►
- Spell Bind ►
- Spell Binder ►
- Spell of Binding ►
- Spirit guide ►
- Summoning of Dead Souls ►
- The Perfect Companion ►
- To Freeze Someone ►
- Undo Spell ►
- Voice of Siren Spell ►
- Voodoo Love Doll ►
- Wizards Potion ►
- Zeus Binding ►
- Mind Of A Frog ►
- 1825 English Love Spell ►
- A body switch ►
- A love spell in nature ►
- A Potion to Bind Powers ►
- A Prayer For House Blessing ►
- A simple Binding spell ►
- A span spell ►
- A switching bodies ►
- AAA cat familiar ►
- Al Qawlu Qawlu Sawarim ►
- Alleviate Ones Heart's Desire ►
- Angel Spell ►
- Anger Binding ►
- Anger Revenge Spell ►
- Apparition Binding Spell ►
- Aquakanisis ►
- Ashes To Ashes ►
- Ask Them Out, Stay With Them ►
- Astral Binding ►
- Attraction Perfume ►
- Aura Manipulation ►
- Awaken ►
- Awakening ►
- Ball of destruction ►
- Banish Bad Luck ►
- Banish Someone You Hate ►
- Banish them All ►
- Banishing ►
- Banishing A Person ►
- Banishing Bad Habits ►
- Banishing Bad Habits ►
- Basic Energy Storing ►
- Be a Witch ►
- Become a White Witch ►
- Become Witch/Warlock ►
- Begone Now ►
- Bell Witch Curse ►
- Bind a Person ►
- Bind a spirit to an object ►
- Bind Anger ►
- Bind Lovers Together ►
- Bind Someone Annoying ►
- Bind someone from harm ►
- Bind The Evil ►
- Binding ►
- Binding ►
- Binding ►
- Binding ►
- Binding ►
- Binding ►
- Binding a Demon or Spirit ►
- Binding by Fear ►
- Binding Chant ►
- Binding Doll ►
- Binding from Harm ►
- Binding Light Spell ►
- Binding O f The Elements ►
- Binding of Lovers ►
- Binding Sex ►
- Binding Spell ►
- Binding Spell ►
- Binding Spell ►
- Binding Spell ►
- Binding Spell ►
- Binding Spell ►
- Binding spell ►
- Binding Spell ►
- Binding Spell ►
- Binding Spell No.2 ►
- Binding spell of witches ►
- Black Magick Warrior. ►
- Bless a Tree ►
- Blood Siblings Bond ►
- Blood Star ►
- Bondage ►
- Bonding ►
- Branch of Sin ►
- Break a Bond ►
- Bring forth the Dark Goddess ►
- Bring Life ►
- Burn in Hell ►
- Call forth Dark Energy ►
- Call Forth the Dead ►
- Calling of Dark art Offense ►
- Candle Binding ►
- Candle blessing ►
- Chain Binding ►
- Chains Of Mind Control ►
- Child Protection Spell ►
- Classical Resurrect ►
- Come Back ►
- Comic Book Adventure ►
- Communicate With Animals ►
- Compel ►
- Complex love spell ►
- Concept Sympathetic magic ►
- Conjure up Darkness and fire ►
- Conjuring Raw Energy ►
- Connect Thoughts ►
- Control The 7 Seas ►
- Control the Wind ►
- Crossroads Spell ►
- Crush like you back spell ►
- Cut the red cord ►
- Death by Ice ►
- Demon Favor ►
- Dessaperto ►
- Disable a Machine ►
- Down to the World of Hate ►
- Draconic Power ►
- Dragonic Abilities ►
- Elemental Blood Bind ►
- Elemental Protection ►
- Elemental Shield ►
- Embrace the Shadows ►
- Empathy ►
- Enfeeble Spell ►
- Everlasting Bloody ring bond ►
- Evil Eye Binding ►
- Evil to Good ►
- Find Someone's Element ►
- Finding your Wand ►
- Fire Binding Spell ►
- Focus Energy Into an Item ►
- For a Dog's Friendship ►
- Forbidden ►
- Forever and Ever ►
- Freeze Out ►
- Friendship Spell ►
- Frozen in Time ►
- Full Moon Binding Latin ►
- Full Moon Protection ►
- Full Moon Spell for Secrets ►
- General Charge ►
- Generic Binding Spell ►
- Get a Water Tiger Companion ►
- Get Another to Agree ►
- Get Rid of Someone ►
- Get the Love you Want ►
- Get your Lover ►
- Getting a Familiar ►
- Giving a New Wand Power ►
- Go Into A Doll's Body ►
- Golem Eyes (time sight) ►
- Goofer Dust ►
- Hecate's Promise ►
- Help the bleeding stop ►
- Hex to Bring Discord ►
- Hex to Chaos ►
- How to become a Babai ►
- How to befriend wind ►
- How To Bind Someone To You ►
- How to Set Up an Altar ►
- How to summon a spirit dragon ►
- Hydrokinesis ►
- Ice Binding ►
- Imprinting ►
- Incognito online spell ►
- Incubus/Succubus Sex Friend ►
- Infinte Love ►
- Invocation to Lucifer ►
- Ladies laugh mock u ►
- Ladies laugh mock u by dt ►
- Lavnder pillow spray (V3) ►
- Linking spell ►
- Lock a Door ►
- Love Azula ►
- Love Binding Spell ►
- Love Binding Spell ►
- Love Eternus ►
- Love Me ►
- Love Slave ►
- Love Spell ►
- Love Spell ►
- Love Spell #2 ►
- Luna schonen ►
- Lunar Magick ►
- Make a Wand ►
- Make an Imp Friend ►
- Make Someone Leave You Alone ►
- Make you lover like you back ►
- Malignant Spirit Binding Totem ►
- Mana Potion ►
- Mending of Heckingson ►
- Mermory Loss ►
- Mind Control ►
- Minor Binding ►
- Mute Silence Spell. ►
- My info Regarding Soulmates ►
- Nation Sack ►
- Necromancers Fury ►
- Nightmare Illusion ►
- Object Protection ►
- Of Me You Will Think ►
- Paint the Mirrors Black ►
- Patron Charm ►
- Penta-Seal ►
- Personal Power Crystal ►
- Poppet Magick (Return to Me) ►
- Possession ►
- Protect Your True Love ►
- Protection Candle ►
- Psi Energy Finale ►
- Put Feelings in a Container ►
- Quicksand Protection Bottle ►
- Quitting Addiction(Spell) ►
- Re-bond a Broken Friendship ►
- Relaxation Spell ►
- Return to Sender ►
- Rumor Eraser Chant ►
- Runeification ►
- Runic Attuning ►
- Sachiko Forever After ►
- Sanguis Circle ►
- Secrecy Spell ►
- See Spirits ►
- Shadow Magic ►
- Shadows Blessing ►
- Shape Shifters Killing ►
- Shinto Divination ►
- Shut Up ►
- Shut Ya Mouth! ►
- Sick by Orange ►
- Simple Binding ►
- Simple Binding Spell ►
- Simple Love Spell ►
- Sirens Voice ►
- Sisterhood Bonding ►
- Sleep ►
- Sleep Wishing ►
- Sleepy Voodoo ►
- Snake Familiar Spell ►
- Soul Anchoring ►
- Soul Binding ►
- Soul bond tested works ►
- Soul Link ►
- Soul Prison ►
- Soul Trap ►
- Spell Bind ►
- Spell Bind (Blood) ►
- Spell Binding ►
- Spell to Bind a Person ►
- Spell to Bind a Person ►
- Spiteful Binding ►
- Split your Soul ►
- Stay Away ►
- Steal his Heart ►
- Stop a Lie ►
- Strengthening ►
- Stun ►
- Stupefy ►
- Summon a Bound Twin Soul ►
- Summon a Demon ►
- Summoning Jinn ►
- Suppress Memories ►
- Sweet Apple Enchantment Spell ►
- Sweet Kitty Spell ►
- Switch Bodies With Any Girl ►
- Switch Body Spell ►
- Take over Astral Projection ►
- Taming Familiar ►
- Teleport to Any Place ►
- The Binding of Azazel ►
- The Binding Spell ►
- The Bitter Sweet Curse ►
- The Call of St. Cyprian ►
- The Lemon Curse ►
- The Posiedon Effect ►
- The Three ►
- The Vortex of Magdalene. ►
- Think of Me ►
- Three Fold ►
- Through the Outdoors ►
- To Banish a Demon ►
- To Bind Powers ►
- To Restrain Anger ►
- Tracking ►
- Trap someone in a Mirror ►
- Trap your Enemies ►
- Traversal of the Dead gates ►
- Tree Spirit ►
- Turn into a Dog ►
- Unbinding Spell ►
- Unlock a Lock ►
- Vampire Blood Potion ►
- Vampire Transformation Spell ►
- Vampiric House Creation Spell ►
- Vampiric Protection Spell ►
- Voodoo Doll ►
- Warning (Latin) ►
- We're you fairy godparents. ►
- Werewolf Spell ►
- When You Feel Threatened ►
- White Magic Binding ►
- Wiccan Initiation ►
- Wind Bound ►
- Winter American Robin Article ►
- Wish ►
- Witch Bottle for Protection ►
- Witch Light ►
- Witch Spell ►
- You Messed with a Witch ►
- Yule Ritual ►
- ''Bind'' Skill ►
- Amanus Omnipotentia ►
- An Introduction ►
- Arrow Love ►
- Attraction Spell ►
- Awakening a ''Link'' ►
- Banish Bad Energy ►
- Banishing Spell to Stop Harm ►
- Be a Love Magnet ►
- Bind a Person Away From You ►
- Bind an Enemy ►
- Binding ►
- Binding ►
- Binding 101 ►
- Binding a Harmful Person ►
- Binding A Witch's Magic ►
- Binding Someone From Harm ►
- Blocking Spell ►
- Blood Control ►
- Bound your Circle ►
- Caught You In My Web ►
- Change Eye Color Spell ►
- Charm to Bind Enemy ►
- Cord Banishing ►
- Create a Godform Spell ►
- Dark Interprise ►
- Demonic Runes ►
- Duality Charm ►
- Elemental Chain Binding ►
- Enchant a Laser Pen ►
- Energy from the Universe Spell ►
- Energy Potion Spell ►
- Eternal Binding ►
- Forever Binding ►
- Full Moon Candle Charge ►
- Full Moon Candle Charge ►
- Gift of Nature ►
- Harleen's Apple Binding spell ►
- Hecate's Binding ►
- Immortality ►
- Increase Magic Power ►
- Knowledge Absorption ►
- Linking ►
- Love Binding ►
- Love Binding Potion ►
- Love Me ►
- M-Shifting ►
- Magic Herbs ►
- Make Her Mine ►
- Mirror Banishing ►
- Mute ►
- Object Binding ►
- Onyx Encasement ►
- Peaceful Meditation ►
- Plagued Dreams ►
- Prayer to St. Anthony ►
- Problems from People ►
- Protect a Friend ►
- Quick Banishing ►
- Rid Fears ►
- Rid One of Thy Siblings ►
- Sealing and Protection ►
- Sealing Using a Pendulum ►
- Seven Circle Summoning ►
- Silence ►
- Silence a Room ►
- Silent Hill Dream ►
- Simple Candle Binding Spell ►
- Skyclad Spell ►
- Someone Special: Garlic Charm ►
- Spiteful Binding Spell ►
- Tears of Vengence ►
- The Circle Binding Ceremony ►
- The Rose Spell ►
- The Spell of Revelation ►
- Thorny-Rose Charm ►
- Three Times Three Spell ►
- Time Loop Curse ►
- To Bind ►
- To Bond with an Object ►
- To Feel Nature ►
- To my side. ►
- Together Forever ►
- Trading Places ►
- Transmutate Vitae ►
- Trap a Ghost ►
- Trap a Spirit ►
- Ultra Deluxe Banishing Powder ►
- Unbreakable Shell Spell ►
- Veil of Shadows ►
- Very Powerful Blood Curse ►
- Wand ►
- Water ►
- Wedding Candles ►
- White Werewolf ►
- Witches Hand Shake ►
- Zogrist Spell ►
- A Guide To Increasing Elemental Magic ►
- A Tarot Spell to Increase Psychic Visions ►
- Bad Habit Be Gone ( Real Ritual ) ►
- Breaking the Hold Someone has Over You ►
- Control Someone's Emotions and Mind ►
- Elemental Binding/Obsession Spell ►
- How to Tell if a Wand Will ''Obey You'' ►
- Let a friend text you back / unblock you ►
- Rid yourself of a Bothersome Spirit ►
- Shamanic Spell/Ritual of Protection ►
- Spell to Bind Someone Dangerous ►
- To Bind Someone From Doing Harm To You ►
- To Cut Someone Out of Your Life ►
- To Rid Yourself of an Unwanted- Admirer ►
- To Stop someone from Doing Harm ►
- To break The Curse Of Bleeding Bones ►
- AA Teacher becomes physcopath spell ►
- Asking for a Deity or spirit to present in an object ►
- B.O.S protection from peeping eyes ►
- Binding A Spirit To An Object 18+ ►
- Binding A Spirit To An Object 18+ ►
- Binding the 4th horseman of the Apocalypse ►
- black arts DEATH WISH CURSE: dawn_101 ►
- Ceremony for unlocking your dream room !WARNING: there could be some nightmares in your dream room! ►
- Cleansing Ritual of thy Night Dragons ►
- Conjuration of the First Gate's Guardian ►
- Conjuring a demon very powerful ►
- DOG POWER SPELL (Edited/revamped) ►
- Get Thee Away from Me | Banishing-Protection ►
- How to Bind Someone in Friendship ►
- How To Steal A Soul For Profit or Trading ►
- Initiation into a coven ritual-IMPORTANT TO JOIN A COVEN ►
- Know when your enemy is talking about you ►
- Magical Instruments - Ink for thy spells, incantations, pacts, etc... ►
- Magical Instruments - Knife of Black ►
- Magical Instruments - Knife of white ►
- Magical Instruments - Needle for thy caster ►
- Magical Instruments - Pen for thy caster ►
- Make a Demonic Blade (Convexity Enchantment) ►
- Make Someone Think of you Nonstop ►
- Mystic SilverThread's Dark Cauldron ►
- Opening of the ''First Gate of Madness'' ►
- Painful Urinary Tract Infection ►
- Persephone's Spell of Protection ►
- Prayer to Protect from Interference from Dark Force ►
- Protect a book from unwanted/prying eyes and bind it to your soul ►
- Refrigerator Binding Free weight loss ►
- Repel Spite, Gossip or Psychic Attack ►
- Seperate a Witch from her Power ►
- Spell for protection against headless powers ►
- Spell to Bind the Lover of our Desire ►
- Spell to make your Husband Loyal ►
- The Imbuement of Darkness: Imbuing objects with Dark Side Energies. ►
- To create a necromantic servitor ►
- Turn someone else into something ►
- Voodoo Break Up Spell; Minimalist style ►
- Voodoo Doll for Advanced Witches ►
- 3 Quick Spells to Bind Someone ►
- Banishing a Negative Spirit (powerful) ►
- Bind an Ungrateful Lovers Sex Drive ►
- Binding Yourself to Another Soul ►
- Daily Ritual To Ease Depression ►
- How To Connect To Your Familiar/Pet ►
- The Binding, and Banishing, of over-powered eldritch monstrosities ►
- simple curse ►
- become a weredino ►
- cartoon ►
- curse of sleep ►
- garlic bane ►
- portal to fairy world ►
- realm command ►
- school spell ►
- to become a satonist. ►
- block some ones connection to magic ►
- vampire spell/ritual/potion that may work ►