Spell to Bind a Person

SpellsSpiritual  ► Binding  ► Spell to Bind a Person
from red_rox07

Casting Instructions for 'Spell to Bind a Person'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • something that belongs to the person, or a picture and some tape
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • something that belongs to the person, or a picture and some tape
Take an artifact or picture of the person and bind it with tape while saying:

(Person's name) I bind you from doing harm to others or your self.

Repeat 3 times.


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Part of the Random Magic Library.


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This sounds straight out of ''The Craft.'' I don't think this is legitimate.

Classic spell. It is indeed from The Craft. It also requires an edit. If you have seen the film, you would have seen the binding did not work the first time. That is because Sarah did not have enough energy in the spell to overpower Nancy. You need to add to this spell for it to work. Chant more than three time. The chant is what builds the energy. The photo or item is spiritually linked to the person. Sarah used white ribbon to bind Nancy, white being a generic colour for purity and protection, but the colour can add to the spell. Consider researching before doing. As you chant, imagine what you want to happen. Nancy was using her power to harm people. While the chant emphasis this, Sarah should have created an image in her mind of Nancy being unable to use her Magik, of Nancy struggling to cast harmful spells, and of Nancy unable to do physical harm to herself and others. Imagining physical restraints can also be used while casting. You are setting your intention. You have to tell the Magik what you want. Without it, you are simply wrapping string around a picture. If you want, you can add to this, maybe a candle, herbs, oils or crystals. You could also place this in a mirror box to reflect their energy back at them. As outlined, nothing will happen, but building off this and other simple spells can help you learn how spells work and how to improve them.

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